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Return to [[South African Venues, Companies, Societies, etc ]]
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==The list==
[[A Million Freds Productions]]
[[A Teater]]
[[A Teater]]
[[A.A. Balkema Publishers]]
[[A.A. Balkema Publishers]]
[[AA Vita Life Awards]] See '''[[Vita Awards]]'''
[[A1 Theatre Company]]
[[A1 Theatre Company]]
[[Academy Theatre|A.T. Stage Productions]]
[[ABC Drama Company]]
[[ACTS]] See [[African Community Theatre Service]]
[[ACVV]] See [[Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue Vereniging]]
[[Association of Drama Departments of South Africa|ADDSA]]
[[Akademie vir Dramakuns|ADK]]
[[African Arts Institute|AFAI]]
[[South African School of Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance|AFDA]]
[[African Theatre Association|AfTA]]
[[African Music and Drama Association|AMDA]]
[[African National Theatre|ANT]]
[[Academic and Non-Fiction Authors’ Association of South Africa|ANFASA]]
[[ANV Saal]]
[[Association for Performing Arts|APA]]
[[AREPP|arepp:Theatre for Life]] See '''[[AREPP]]'''
[[Afrikaanse Studiekring|ASK]]
[[Afrikaanse Taalgenootskap|ATG]]
[[ATKV Amateur Toneelkompetisie]]
[[ATKV Kampustoneel]]
[[ATKV Tienertoneel]]
[[A.T. Stage Productions]]
Line 11: Line 97:
[[Aan de Braak Teater]]  
[[Aan de Braak Teater]]  
[[Aardklop]] festival
[[Aardklop festival]]
[[Abantu-Batho]], a weekly newspaper
[[African Broadcasting Company|ABC]]
[[Abezi Choral Society]]
[[Abezi Choral Society]]
[[Abbey Theatre|Abbey Theatre, Durban]]
[[Abbey Theatre|Abbey Theatre, Durban]]
[[Abrahamse Meyer Productions]]
[[Academica Publishers]]
[[Academica Publishers]]
[[Academic and Non-Fiction Authors’ Association of South Africa]] ([[ANFASA]])
[[Academy of Sciences of South Africa]]
[[Academy of Sciences of South Africa]]
Line 27: Line 115:
[[Academy Theatre]]
[[Academy Theatre]]
[[Academy Theatre| Academy Theatre Productions]]
[[Academy Theatre of Laughter]]
[[Academy Theatre Productions]]
[[Anton Ackermann Geselskap|Ackermann-Nell Geselskap]]
[[Anton Ackermann Geselskap|Ackermann-Nell Geselskap]]
[[Arts and Culture Task Group|ACTAG]]
[[African Community Theatre Service|ACTS]]
[[Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue Vereniging|ACVV]]
[[Action Space Theatre Company]]
[[Action Space Theatre Company]]
Line 43: Line 125:
[[Action Workshop]]
[[Action Workshop]]
[[Theatre Benevolent Fund (TBF)|Actors' Benevolent Fund]]  
[[Actors' Benevolent Fund]]  
[[Actors' Centre, Johannesburg]]
[[Actors' Centre]], Johannesburg
[[Actors' Co-operative]]  
[[Actors' Co-operative]]  
Line 54: Line 136:
[[Adam Leslie Theatre]]
[[Adam Leslie Theatre]]
[[Adam Leslie Theatrical Productions]]
[[Adam Small Theatre Complex]]
[[Adams Mission School]]
[[Adams Mission School]]
Line 59: Line 145:
[[Windybrow Theatre Complex|Adcock-Ingram Auditorium]]
[[Adcock-Ingram Auditorium]]
[[Association of Drama Departments of South Africa (ADDSA)|ADDSA]]
[[Akademie vir Dramakuns|ADK]]
[[Administration Drama Festival|Administrasie-dramafees]]
[[Administration Drama Festival|Administrasie-dramafees]]
Line 71: Line 153:
[[Administrator's Cup Competition]]
[[Administrator's Cup Competition]]
[[African Arts Institute (AFAI)|AFAI]]
[[Africa Centre]], Cape Town
[[Africa Cultural Centre]], Newtown, Johannesburg. See also [[Afrika Cultural Centre]], Newtown, Johannesburg.
[[Africa Cultural Centre]]
[[Africa Open Institute for Music, Research and Innovation]], Stellenbosch
[[African Arts Institute (AFAI)]]
[[African Arts Institute|African Arts Institute (AFAI)]]
[[African Broadcasting Company]]
[[African Broadcasting Company]]
[[African Capedium Choir]]
[[African Capedium Choir]]
[[African Circus]], Cape Town (1848).
[[African Club House]]
[[African Club House]]
Line 85: Line 173:
[[African Community Theatre Service]]
[[African Community Theatre Service]]
[[African Consolidated Theatres (ACT)]]
[[African Consolidated Theatres]]
[[African Darkies]]
[[African Darkies]]
[[African Film Productions]]
[[African Gateway Communications]]
[[African Gateway Communications]]
[[African Independent]]
[[African Music and Drama Association]]  
[[African Music and Drama Association]]  
[[African National Theatre (ANT)]]
[[African National Theatre]]
[[African Own Entertainers]]
[[African Own Entertainers]]
[[African Performance]] See '''[[African Theatre]]'''
[[African Performance Review]]
[[African Publishers]]
[[African Publishers]]
[[AREPP|African Research and Educational Puppetry Programme]]
[[African Research and Educational Puppetry Programme]] See [[AREPP]]
[[African Theatre]]
[[African Theatre, Cape Town]]
[[The African Theatre|African Theatre, The]], Cape Town  
[[African Theatre Association]] ([[AfTA]])
[[African Theatre Workshop]]
[[African Theatre Workshop]]
[[African Consolidated Theatres (ACT)|African Theatres]]
[[African Theatres]]
[[African Consolidated Theatres (ACT)|African Theatres Trust]]
[[African Consolidated Theatres|African Theatres Trust]]
[[Africander Amateurs]]
[[Africander Amateurs]]
[[African Theatre, Cape Town|Afrikaansche Schouwburg]]  
[[Afrika Cultural Centre]], Newtown, Johannesburg.
[[Afrikaansche Liefhebbery Gezelschap]]
[[Afrikaansche Schouwburg]], Cape Town
[[Afrikaansche Societeit]]
[[Afrikaansche Societeit]]
Line 119: Line 221:
[[Afrikaans-Duitse Kultuur Unie, Suidwes-Afrika]]
[[Afrikaans-Duitse Kultuur Unie, Suidwes-Afrika]]
[[Afrikaans-Hollandse Toneelvereniging (AHTV)|AHTV]]  
[[Afrikaans-Hollandse Toneelvereniging]] ([[AHTV]])
[[Eisteddfodau|Afrikaanse Eisteddfod]]
[[Eisteddfodau|Afrikaanse Eisteddfod]]
Line 131: Line 233:
[[Afrikaanse Nasionale Studentebond]]
[[Afrikaanse Nasionale Studentebond]]
[[Afrikaanse Pers Boekhandel (APB)]]  
[[Afrikaanse Pers-Boekhandel]] ([[APB]])
[[Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde]]
[[Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde]]
Line 139: Line 241:
[[Afrikaanse Skrywersvereniging]]
[[Afrikaanse Skrywersvereniging]]
[[Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV)]]
[[Afrikaanse Studiekring]] (acronym [[ASK]])
[[Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging]]
[[Afrikaanse Taalgenootskap (ATG)]]
[[Afrikaanse Taalgenootskap|Afrikaanse Taalgenootskap (ATG)]]
[[Afrikaanse Taalraad (ATR)]]
[[Afrikaanse Taalraad (ATR)]]
[[Afrikaanse Taalvereniging (ATV)]]
[[Afrikaanse Taalvereniging (ATV)]]
[[Afrikaanse Toneel vir Onderwyskolleges]] (ATO)
[[Afrikaanse Toneelgeselskap]]
[[Afrikaanse Toneelgeselskap]]
Line 153: Line 259:
[[Afrikaanse Toneelvereniging]]
[[Afrikaanse Toneelvereniging]]
[[Afrikaner Klub]]
[[Afrikaner Klub]], East London
[[Afrikaanse Koffiehuis|Afrikaner Koffiehuis]]
[[Afrikaanse Koffiehuis|Afrikaner Koffiehuis]]
[[Afrikaanse Koffiehuis|Afrikanerkoffiehuis]]
[[Afro Asia Events]]
[[Afro Asia Events]]
Line 165: Line 273:
[[Afrikaans-Hollandse Toneelvereniging (AHTV)|AHTV]]  
[[Akademie vir Dramakuns]]
[[Akademie vir Dramakuns]]
[[Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns|Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns]]
[[Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns|Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns]]
[[Akudlalwa Communal Theatre]]
[[Albany Amateur Theatre]]
[[Albany Amateur Theatre]]
Line 180: Line 290:
[[Alexander Theatre]]
[[Alexander Theatre]]
[[Alexander Upstairs]], Cape Town
[[Cape Town Dramatic Club|Alfred Dramatic Club]]  
[[Cape Town Dramatic Club|Alfred Dramatic Club]]  
[[Algemeen Nederlandsch Verbond|Algemeen Nederlandsch Verbond, Het]]
[[Algoa FM]]
[[President Theatre|Alhambra Hall]], Pretoria
[[Alhambra Theatre]]
[[Alhambra Theatre]]
[[Alhambra Theatre]], Cape Town
[[Alhambra Theatre]], Durban
[[Alhambra Theatre]], Johannesburg
[[Alie and Jacob]], Cape Town
[[All the World's a Stage]]
[[All the World's a Stage]]
[[Aloysius Hall]], Cape Town
[[Alpha Omega]]
[[Alpha Omega]]
[[Garrison Theatre|Amateur Company, Cape Town]]
[[Alternation]] academic journal
[[Amaphiko Township Dance Project]]
[[Amateur Company]], Cape Town  
[[Amateur Coloured Troupe]], Cape Town
[[Amateur Dramatic Society, Harrismith]]
[[Amateur Dramatic Society, Harrismith]]
[[Amateur Dramatic Society, Jansenville]]
[[Amateur Dramatic Society, Pietermaritzburg]]
[[Amateur Dramatic Society, Pietermaritzburg]]
[[Port Elizabeth Dramatic Society|Amateur Theatrical Society Port Elizabeth]]
[[Amateur Performers]], Cape Town
[[Amateur Theatre]], The - Cape Town
[[Amateur Theatrical Society Port Elizabeth]]
[[Amateur Theatre Guild]]
[[Amateur Theatricals, Bloemfontein]]
[[Amateur Theatricals, Bloemfontein]]
[[Amateurs of the Band]]
[[Les Amateurs de l'Isle de France|Amateurs de l'Isle de France, Les]]
[[The Amateurs of Cape Town|Amateurs of Cape Town, The]]
[[African Music and Drama Association|AMDA]]  
[[American Dramatic Company]]
[[AMFEST one-act play festival]]
[[Amfest One-act Play Festival]]
[[Amicable Club]]
[[Amicable Club]]
Line 219: Line 365:
[[André Huguenet|André Huguenet Geselskap]]
[[André Huguenet|André Huguenet Geselskap]]
[[Sand Du Plessis Theatre Complex|André Huguenet Theatre, Bloemfontein]]
[[André Huguenet Theatre|André Huguenet Theatre, Bloemfontein]]
[[André Huguenet Theatre, Johannesburg]]  
[[André Huguenet Theatre|André Huguenet Theatre, Johannesburg]]  
[[University of Stellenbosch, Department of Drama|André Huguenet Toekenning (Award)]]  
[[University of Stellenbosch, Department of Drama|André Huguenet Toekenning (Award)]]  
Line 227: Line 373:
[[Anna Klaassen|Anna Klaassen Geselskap]]
[[Anna Klaassen|Anna Klaassen Geselskap]]
[[Annie Baldwin Company]]
[[African National Theatre (ANT)|ANT]]
[[Anthony Farmer|Anthony Farmer Productions]]
[[Anthony Farmer|Anthony Farmer Productions]]
Line 237: Line 382:
[[Anton de Waal Toekenning]]
[[Anton de Waal Toekenning]]
[[Association for Performing Arts|APA]]
[[Applauz Arts Initiative]]
[[Arena Theatre|Arena Theatre, Cape Town]]
[[Arena Theatre|Arena Theatre, Cape Town]]
Line 255: Line 399:
[[Arena Theatre|Arena Theatre Company, Johannesburg]]  
[[Arena Theatre|Arena Theatre Company, Johannesburg]]  
[[AREPP|arepp:Theatre for Life]]
[[Argus]], The - Cape Town
[[AREPP|arepp:Theatre for Life]]
[[Argus Tonight!]], The
[[Armchair Theatre]]
[[Armchair Theatre]]
[[NAPAC|Art Centre, Durban]]
[[Art Centre]], Durban
[[Art SA]]
[[Art SA]]
Line 271: Line 416:
[[Arterial Network]]
[[Arterial Network]]
[[Arthur Rousbey Opera Company]]
[[Article 27 Arts and Culture Consultants]]  
[[Article 27 Arts and Culture Consultants]]  
[[Artist Management (Pty) Ltd]]
[[Artistes Personal Management]]
[[Artistes Personal Management]]
[[Artists One]]
[[Arts Alive Festival]]
[[Arts Alive]]
[[Arts and Culture Task Group]]
[[Arts and Culture Task Group]]
[[Arts and Culture Trust (ACT)]]
[[Arts and Culture Trust]]
[[Arts and Culture Trust (ACT)|Arts and Culture Trust of the President (ACT)]]  
[[Arts and Culture Trust|Arts and Culture Trust of the President]]  
[[Wesbank Arts and Culture Group|Arts and Culture Group, Wesbank]]
[[Wesbank Arts and Culture Group|Arts and Culture Group, Wesbank]]
[[Arts Theatre Club, East London]]
[[Arts and Media Access Centre]]
[[Arts Capital]], Bellville
[[Arts Hall]]
[[Arts Theatre Club]], East London
[[Artscape|Artscape Theatre Centre]]
[[Artscape|Artscape Theatre Centre]]
Line 305: Line 465:
[[Asoka Theatre|Asoka Theatre Publications]]
[[Asoka Theatre|Asoka Theatre Publications]]
[[Associated Repertories of South Africa]]  
[[Associated Repertories of South Africa]]  
Line 310: Line 472:
[[Association for Performing Arts]]
[[Association for Performing Arts]]
[[Association of Arts, East London]]
[[Association International du Theatre pour l´Enfance et la Jeunesse]] '''See [[ASSITEJ]]'''
[[Association of Arts]], East London
[[Association of Drama Departments of South Africa (ADDSA)]]
[[Association of Drama Departments of South Africa]]
[[Astley's Circus]]
[[Astley's Circus]]
[[Astley's Circus|Astley's Theatre]]
[[Astley's Circus|Astley's Theatre]]
[[At Strydom Drama Studio]]
[[At Strydom Drama Studio]]
[[Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV)|ATKV]]
[[Athenaeum Hall]]
[[Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV)|ATKV Amateur Toneelkompetisie]]
[[Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV)|ATKV Kampustoneel]]
[[Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV)|ATKV Tienertoneel]]
[[Athenaeum Musical and Choral Society]]
[[Athenaeum Society]]
[[Athens Drama Company]]
[[Aurora]], Cape Town
[[Aurora]], Paarl
[[Aurora II]], Cape Town
[[Aurora III]], Cape Town
[[Automata|The Automata]] ([[W.F.H. Parker]])
==Return to==

Latest revision as of 07:15, 2 October 2024

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The list

A Million Freds Productions

A Teater

A.A. Balkema Publishers

AA Vita Life Awards See Vita Awards

A1 Theatre Company


ABC Drama Company




ACTS See African Community Theatre Service

ACVV See Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue Vereniging














ANV Saal






arepp:Theatre for Life See AREPP





ATKV Amateur Toneelkompetisie

ATKV Kampustoneel

ATKV Tienertoneel


A.T. Stage Productions




Aan de Braak Teater

Aardklop festival

Abantu-Batho, a weekly newspaper

Abezi Choral Society

Abbey Theatre, Durban

Abrahamse Meyer Productions

Academica Publishers

Academic and Non-Fiction Authors’ Association of South Africa (ANFASA)

Academy of Sciences of South Africa

Academy Theatre

Academy Theatre of Laughter

Academy Theatre Productions

Ackermann-Nell Geselskap

Action Space Theatre Company

Action Workshop

Actors' Benevolent Fund

Actors' Centre, Johannesburg

Actors' Co-operative

Ad Donker Publishers

Ad Lib

Adam Leslie Theatre

Adam Leslie Theatrical Productions

Adam Small Theatre Complex

Adams Mission School


Adcock-Ingram Auditorium


Administration Drama Festival

Administrator's Cup Competition


Africa Centre, Cape Town

Africa Cultural Centre, Newtown, Johannesburg. See also Afrika Cultural Centre, Newtown, Johannesburg.

Africa Open Institute for Music, Research and Innovation, Stellenbosch

African Arts Institute (AFAI)

African Broadcasting Company

African Capedium Choir

African Circus, Cape Town (1848).

African Club House

African Community Theatre Service

African Consolidated Theatres

African Darkies

African Film Productions

African Gateway Communications

African Independent

African Music and Drama Association

African National Theatre

African Own Entertainers

African Performance See African Theatre

African Performance Review

African Publishers

African Research and Educational Puppetry Programme See AREPP

African Theatre

African Theatre, The, Cape Town

African Theatre Association (AfTA)

African Theatre Workshop

African Theatres

African Theatres Trust

Africander Amateurs

Afrika Cultural Centre, Newtown, Johannesburg.

Afrikaansche Liefhebbery Gezelschap

Afrikaansche Schouwburg, Cape Town

Afrikaansche Societeit

Afrikaans-Duitse Kultuur Unie, Suidwes-Afrika

Afrikaans-Hollandse Toneelvereniging (AHTV)

Afrikaanse Eisteddfod

Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue Vereniging

Afrikaanse Koffiehuis

Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniging en Toneelskool

Afrikaanse Nasionale Studentebond

Afrikaanse Pers-Boekhandel (APB)

Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde

Afrikaanse Skrywerskring

Afrikaanse Skrywersvereniging

Afrikaanse Studiekring (acronym ASK)

Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging

Afrikaanse Taalgenootskap (ATG)

Afrikaanse Taalraad (ATR)

Afrikaanse Taalvereniging (ATV)

Afrikaanse Toneel vir Onderwyskolleges (ATO)

Afrikaanse Toneelgeselskap

Afrikaanse Toneelspelers

Afrikaanse Toneelvereniging

Afrikaner Klub, East London

Afrikaner Koffiehuis


Afro Asia Events

Afrovibes Festival

After Dark


Akademie vir Dramakuns


Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns

Akudlalwa Communal Theatre

Albany Amateur Theatre

Albany Drill Hall

Albert Marsh and Emma Chambers Company

Alexander School of Drama and Elocution

Alexander Theatre

Alexander Upstairs, Cape Town

Alfred Dramatic Club

Algemeen Nederlandsch Verbond, Het

Algoa FM

Alhambra Hall, Pretoria

Alhambra Theatre

Alhambra Theatre, Cape Town

Alhambra Theatre, Durban

Alhambra Theatre, Johannesburg

Alie and Jacob, Cape Town

All the World's a Stage

Aloysius Hall, Cape Town

Alpha Omega

Alternation academic journal

Amaphiko Township Dance Project

Amateur Company, Cape Town

Amateur Coloured Troupe, Cape Town

Amateur Dramatic Society, Harrismith

Amateur Dramatic Society, Jansenville

Amateur Dramatic Society, Pietermaritzburg

Amateur Performers, Cape Town

Amateur Theatre, The - Cape Town

Amateur Theatrical Society Port Elizabeth

Amateur Theatre Guild

Amateur Theatricals, Bloemfontein

Amateurs of the Band

Amateurs de l'Isle de France, Les

Amateurs of Cape Town, The

American Dramatic Company

Amfest One-act Play Festival

Amicable Club


Amphitheatre, Wits

Amstel Playwright of the Year

Anchor Players

André Huguenet Company

André Huguenet Geselskap

André Huguenet Theatre, Bloemfontein

André Huguenet Theatre, Johannesburg

André Huguenet Toekenning (Award)

Anna Klaassen Geselskap

Annie Baldwin Company

Anthony Farmer Productions

Anton Ackermann Geselskap

Anton de Waal Award

Anton de Waal Toekenning


Applauz Arts Initiative

Arena Theatre, Cape Town

Arena Theatre, Johannesburg

Arena Theatre, Pretoria

Arena Bistro Theatre

Arena Theatre Company, Cape Town

Arena Theatre Company, Johannesburg

arepp:Theatre for Life

Argus, The - Cape Town

Argus Tonight!, The

Armchair Theatre

Art Centre, Durban

Art SA

Art South Africa


Arterial Network

Arthur Rousbey Opera Company

Article 27 Arts and Culture Consultants

Artist Management (Pty) Ltd

Artistes Personal Management

Artists One


Arts Alive

Arts and Culture Task Group

Arts and Culture Trust

Arts and Culture Trust of the President

Arts and Culture Group, Wesbank

Arts and Media Access Centre

Arts Capital, Bellville

Arts Hall

Arts Theatre Club, East London


Artscape Theatre Centre




Ashantee Dance and Chorus

Asoka Theatre

Asoka Theatre Productions

Asoka Theatre Publications


Associated Repertories of South Africa

Association for Performing Arts

Association International du Theatre pour l´Enfance et la Jeunesse See ASSITEJ

Association of Arts, East London

Association of Drama Departments of South Africa

Astley's Circus

Astley's Theatre


At Strydom Drama Studio

Athenaeum Hall

Athenaeum Musical and Choral Society

Athenaeum Society

Athens Drama Company

Aurora, Cape Town

Aurora, Paarl

Aurora II, Cape Town

Aurora III, Cape Town

The Automata (W.F.H. Parker)

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