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PACT Ballet

PACT Opera

PACT Playwork

PACT Youth Company



PANSA / NLDTF Festival of Reading of New Writing




PEMADS Little Theatre


PET Newsletter

PIT Productions

PK 11 Productions

PMA See Personal Managers Association of South Africa

PRISMA: 'n Afrikaanse Kultuurbedryfdatabasis


Paarl Cultivaria

Paarl Gymnasium Auditorium

Paarl Town Hall

Paarl Theatre Club

Paarl Union Debating Society

Packed House Productions

Pagel's Circus

Paines Plough Theatre Company

Palladium, The - Johannesburg

Palladium Theatre, Paarl

Pan Macmillan publishers

Parker's Company

Parklane Amateur Toneelvereniging, Worcester

Parry's Company

Party with a Purpose Productions

Paul Cluver Forest Amphitheatre, Grabouw.

Paul de Groot Geselskap

Paul de Groot Theatre Company

Paul de Groot Toneelgeselskap

Paultons, The

Pavilion, The - Durban

Pavilion Music Hall - Cape Town

PE Gilbert & Sullivan Society

Pearson Institute of Higher Education

Peffer's Drama School, Cape Town

Pegasus Drama Group, Western Cape

Peninsula Dramatic Society

Peninsula Group for the Performing Arts, Bellville

Pennington Sisters, The

Penn's Marionettes

People's Educational Theatre (PET), Lenasia

People's Space, The - Cape Town

People's Theatre, Cape Town

Peoples Theatre, Johannesburg

People's Theatre Association, (PTA)

Perdeby, Pretoria

Performance Initiative, The

Performer, The - Pretoria

Performer Theatre, Pretoria

Performing Arts Administration, University of the Witwatersrand

Performing Arts Councils (PACs)

Performing Arts Council of the Orange Free State (PACOFS)

Performing Arts Council of the Transvaal (PACT)

Performing Arts Network of South Africa (PANSA)

Performing Arts Workers' Equity

Perron Drama Project, Darling


Personal Managers Association of South Africa (PMA)

Personality magazine

Phenduka Dance Theatre, Durban

Phoenix Club

Phoenix Dramatic Club, Cape Town

Phoenix Interworld, Johannesburg

Phoenix Players, Johannesburg

Physical Joint Company, The

Picador publishers

Picador Africa publishers

Pichell Troupe, The

Pierneefteater, Die - Pretoria

Pierre De Wet Toneelgeselskap

Piers Nicholson Award

Piet van der Walt Theatre, Pretoria

Pieter Fourie Genootskap

Pieter Roos Theatre, Johannesburg

Pieter Scholtz Open-air Theatre, Durban

Pieter Toerien Productions

Pieter Toerien's Main Theatre at Montecasino

Pieter Toerien's Studio at Montecasino

Pieter Toerien's Theatre at Montecasino

Pieter Toerien's Theatre & Studio at Montecasino

Pietermaritzburg Debats- en Letterkundige Vereniging

Pietermaritzburg Drama Society

Pioneer Theatre Johannesburg

Pina Ya Thari, production company, Cape Town

Pinewood Cinema, Cape Town

Pitch Black Follies, The

Plaat-Stultjes Geselskap

Planet Cinema, Durban

Plastic Theatre, Johannesburg

Playhouse, The - Durban

PlayGround, Baxter Theatre Centre, Cape Town.

Playhouse, The - Somerset West

Playhouse Company, The - Durban

Playhouse Theatre, The - Cape Town

Playhouse Theatre, The - Johannesburg

Playtime Magazine

Plaza, The - Bloemfontein

Plaza Kinema, The

Plaza Theatre, The - Johannesburg

Plewman Productions

Pollard's Opera Company

Pollard's Lilliputian Opera Company See Pollard's Opera Company

Pomp magazine

Poor Artists See The Poor Artists Collective

The Poor Artists See The Poor Artists Collective

The Poor Artists Collective

Port Elizabeth Afrikaanse Amateur Toneelvereniging (PEAAT)

Port Elizabeth Amateur Theatre Guild

Port Elizabeth Amateur Theatrical Society

Port Elizabeth Ballet Club

Port Elizabeth Boating Company

Port Elizabeth City Hall

Port Elizabeth Dramatic Club

Port Elizabeth Dramatic Society

Port Elizabeth Gilbert & Sullivan Society

Port Elizabeth Gilbert and Sullivan Society

Port Elizabeth Male Voice Choir

Port Elizabeth Musical and Dramatic Society (PEMADS)

Port Elizabeth Opera House

Port Elizabeth Orchestral Society

Port Elizabeth Pantomime Society

Port Elizabeth Philharmonic Society

Port Elizabeth Shakespearian Festival

Port Elizabeth Theatre

Port Elizabeth Town Hall

Post Box Theatre, The - Cape Town

Post Magazine

Poussard-Bailey Company

Presidensie Teater, Bloemfontein See Ou Presidensie Teater, Bloemfontein

President Theatre, Pretoria

Pretoria Amateur Dramatic and Musical Society (PADAMS)

Pretoria Art, Ballet and Music School (See Pro Arte).

Pretoria City Hall

Pretoria Conservatoire Choir

Pretoria Dramatic Club

Pretoria Musical and Dramatic Society

Pretoria Opera Group

Pretoria Opera House

Pretoria Repertory Theatre

Pretoria State Theatre

Pretoria Technical College

Pretoria Technikon

Pretoria Theatre for Children

Pretoria Theatre Organisation

Pretorius Hall, Pretoria

Prince's Cinema, Durban

Pringle Awards, The

Private Amateur Company, The - Cape Town

Private Amateur Party, The - Cape Town

Privaat Hollandsch Tooneellievend Gezelschap, Het, Cape Town

Private Theatre Company, Cape Town


Pro Musica Productions

Pro Musica Theatre See Roodepoort Civic Theatre

Proscenium journal


Provincial Arts and Culture Association, Limpopo Province

Publications Appeal Board

Pulane Productions

Pulsar Drama Society

Punchline Pub, The - Johannesburg

Puppet Space, The - Cape Town

Puppets Against Aids

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