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HB Thom Theatre, Stellenbosch
HF Verwoerd Theatre, Springs
HSRC, Pretoria
Handhawerstoneelgeselskap, Die
Handhawers Toneelgeselskap, Die.
Handyminds, Durbanville
Hanekoms se Toneelskool, Bloemfontein
Harmoniesaal, Pretoria
Harmony Hall, Pretoria
Harrismith Amateur Comedy Company
Haupt's Theatre, Cape Town
Haupt’s Warehouse, Cape Town
Haviland and Lawrence Shakespearian & Dramatic Company
Hayday Troupe, The (acrobats)
Hearts & Eyes Theatre Collective, Cape Town
Heidal Drama Organisation, Heidelberg, Cape
Heidedal Drama Group, Bloemfontein
Heidedal Drama Organisation, Heidelberg, Cape
Heidelberg Amateur Dramatic Society, Heidelberg, Transvaal [*?]
Heidram, Bloemfontein
Hello Community Theatre Arts Festival (Tswane)
Henry Brookes Community Hall, Bloemfontein
Heritage Theatre, The, Hillcrest
Hermit Theatre, Durban
Fransche Liefhebbery Geselschap, Het
Hollandsch Toneellievend Gezelschap, Het
Hoogduitsch Gezelschap van het Liefhebbery Theater, Het
Nederlandsch Toneelschool, Het , Amsterdam
Het Privaat Hollandsch Tooneellievend Gezelschap
Hexagon Theatre, Pietermaritzburg.
Hiddingh Campus, Cape Town.
Hiddingh Hall, Cape Town.
High Street Theatre, Durbanville
Highland Amateur Party, The.
Hill's Literary Entertainments, Cape Town
Himalaya Hotel, Durban-Westville
His Majesty’s Theatre, Johannesburg
His Majesty's Theatre, Johannesburg
His Majesty's Theatre, Pretoria
Historical Papers Research Archive
Hodder and Stoughton publishers
Hoenderhok, Die - Cape Town
Hofmeyr Hall, Cape Town
Hofmeyr Theatre, Cape Town
Hofmeyr School, Johannesburg
Hofmeyrsaal, Stellenbosch
Holland, Pretoria
Hollandsche Kerk Zaal, Cape Town
Hollandsche Tooneellievend en Vereenigd Muzyk Gezelschap, Het , Stellenbosch
Hollandsch nieuw Tooneel Gezelschap, Het , Cape Town
Hollandse Saal, Stellenbosch
(De) Hollandse Skouburg, Cape Town
Holy Cross Centre, District Six, Cape Town
Homecoming Centre, The, Cape Town
Honi Soit qui Mal y Pense, Cape Town
Honi Soit qui Mal y Pense, Grahamstown
Hoofstad (daily newspaper)
Hoogduitsche Gezelschap van het Liefhebbery Theater, Het
Hoop en Trouw, Cape Town.
Hoop en Trouw en Tot Oefening en Vermaak, Cape Town.
Hope Street Theatre, Cape Town
Hottentots Holland Dramatic Society
House of Representatives One-Act Play Festival
Howard Timmins, publishers
Hugenote Gedenkskool, Paarl.
Huguenet Theatre, Bloemfontein
Huguenet Theatre, Johannesburg
Human & Rousseau, publishers
Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria.
Hungry Minds Theatre Collective, Cape Town
Hungry Minds Theatre Productions See Hungry Minds Theatre Collective
Hutchinson's Hall, Cape Town
Hyde’s Amateur Opera Company, Johannesburg
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