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= Please Note =
'''''[[Dutch]] titles beginning with the article "het" are listed under the following noun, according to normal bibliographic usage.'''''
=The list=
[[H.M.S. Pinafore]]
[[H.M.S. Pinafore]]
[[Haar Eerste Bal]]
[[Haar Egskeiding]]
[[Haar Egskeiding]]
[[Haar Thuis]] (Südermann) '''See ''[[Heimat]]'''''
[[Haar Tweede Man]]
[[Haar Tweede Man]]
[[Haat en Liefde]] (Von Bonin)
[[Haat en Liefde]] (Von Bonin) '''See ''[[Haß und Liebe]]'''''
[[Habeas Corpus]]
[[Habeas Corpus]]
Line 22: Line 39:
[[The Hairy Ape|Hairy Ape, The]]
[[The Hairy Ape|Hairy Ape, The]]
[[Half an Hour]]
[[Halfway up the Tree]]
[[Halfway up the Tree]]
Line 27: Line 46:
[[Hallowed Ground]]
[[Hallowed Ground]]
[[Hamlet]] (Shakespeare)
[[iHamlet]]  (Shakespeare/Malan)
[[Hamlet, kgosi ea Denmark]] (Shakespeare/Mahloane)
[[Hamlet, kgosi ea Denmark]]
[[Hamlet, Prince of Denmark]] (Shakespeare/Abrahamse and Meyer)
[[Hamletmachine]] (Shakespeare/Müller)
[[Die hand vol vere|Hand vol vere, Die]] (Brink)
[[Die hand vol vere|Hand vol vere, Die]] (Brink)
[[Hands Across the Sea]]
[[Hands Across the Sea]]
[[Handy Andy]] (Various authors)
[[Hans de Kruyer in t' Verhoor]] (Beckmann/Schoonhoven and Van Nooten) '''See ''[[Der Eckensteher Nante im Verhör]]'''''
[[Hans Huckebein, der Unglücksrabe]] (Blumenthal and Kadelburg)
[[Hansel and Gretel]]
[[Hansel and Gretel]]
[[The Happiest Days of Your Life|Happiest Days of Your Life, The]] (J. Dighton)
[[The Happiest Days of Your Life|Happiest Days of Your Life, The]] (J. Dighton)
[[The Happiness Cage|Happiness Cage, The]]
[[Happy as a Sandbag]]
[[Happy as a Sandbag]]
Line 48: Line 81:
[[Happy Days]]
[[Happy Days]]
[[Happy End]]
[[Happy Endings are Extra]]
[[Happy Endings are Extra]]
Line 53: Line 88:
[[Happy Jack]]
[[Happy Jack]]
[[The Happy Journey to Camden|Happy Journey to Camden, The]]
[[The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden|Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, The]]
[[The Happy Man|Happy Man, The]] (Lover)
[[The Happy Marriage|Happy Marriage, The]]
[[A Happy Pair|Happy Pair, A]] (Smith)
[[The Happy Prince|Happy Prince, The]]
[[The Happy Prince|Happy Prince, The]]
[[Hariadan Barbarossa, of Het Beleg van Reggio]] ( Fallée) '''See ''[[Hariadan Barberousse]]''
[[The Harbour Lights|Harbour Lights, The]] (Sims and Pettitt)
[[A Hard Struggle|Hard Struggle, A]] (Marston)
[[Hariadan Barbarossa, of Het Beleg van Reggio]] (Lamarque de Saint-Victor and Corsse/Fallée) '''See ''[[Hariadan Barberousse]]'''''
[[Hariadan Barberousse]] (Lamarque de Saint-Victor and Corsse)
[[Harlequin ABC]]
[[Harlequin and Mother Goose, or The Golden Egg]] (Dibdin)
[[Harlequin and the Magic Donkey]]
[[Harlequin Pantomime]]
[[Harlequin Prince Perseus, or The Maid and the Monster]] (Anon.)
'''[[Hariadan Barberousse]] (Lamarque de Saint-Victor  and  Corsse)  
[[Harlequinesque Pantomime]]
[[The Harmful Effects of Tobacco|Harmful Effects of Tobacco, The]] (Chekhov)
[[Harold and Maude]]
[[Harold and Maude]]
Line 66: Line 127:
[[Rabbit Hole|Hasepad]]
[[Haß und Liebe]] (Von Bonin)
[[Haß und Liebe]] (Von Bonin)
[[The Hasty Heart|Hasty Heart, The]]
[[A Hatful of Rain|Hatful of Rain, A]]
[[A Hatful of Rain|Hatful of Rain, A]]
Line 75: Line 140:
[[The Haunted Host. A Quartet for Two Actors, a Telephone and a Ghost|Haunted Host, The. A Quartet for Two Actors, a Telephone and a Ghost]]
[[The Haunted Host. A Quartet for Two Actors, a Telephone and a Ghost|Haunted Host, The. A Quartet for Two Actors, a Telephone and a Ghost]]
[[The Haunted Inn|Haunted Inn, The]] (Peake)
[[The Haunted Inn]] (Peake) See ''[[The Haunted Inn, or How to lay a Ghost]]''
[[The Haunted Inn, or How to lay a Ghost|Haunted Inn, The, or How to lay a Ghost]] (Peake)
[[Der Hausdoktor|Hausdoktor, Der]] (Ziegler)
[[Hay Fever]]
[[Hay Fever]]
[[Heartbreak House]]
[[Heartbreak House]]
[[Hearts are Trumps]] (Lemon)
[[Heaven of Existence]]
[[Heaven of Existence]]
Line 86: Line 157:
[[Hedda Gabler]]
[[Hedda Gabler]]
[[The Heidi Chronicles|Heidi Chronicles, The]]
[[Die Heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe|Heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe, Die]]
[[Die Heilige Vlam|Heilige Vlam, Die]]
[[Die Heilige Vlam|Heilige Vlam, Die]]
[[The Heir at Law|Heir at Law, The]] (George Colman the Younger)
[[The Heiress|Heiress, The]]
[[The Heiress|Heiress, The]]
[[Die Hekse van Salem|Hekse van Salem, Die]]
[[Die Hekse van Salem|Hekse van Salem, Die]]
[[Hélène]] (Géraldy) '''See ''[[Aimer]]'' (Géraldy)'''
[[De Helleveeg|Helleveeg, De]] (Loosjes)
[[De Helleveeg|Helleveeg, De]] (Loosjes)
Line 107: Line 186:
[[Henry IV|Hendrik IV]] (Shakespeare)
[[Hendrik IV]] (Shakespeare)
[[Henry IV]]
[[Henry IV]] (Pirandello) '''See ''[[Enrico IV]]'''''
[[Enrico IV|Henry IV]] (Pirandello)
[[Henry IV, Part 1]] (Shakespeare)
[[Henry IV]] (Shakespeare)
[[Henry IV, Part 2]] (Shakespeare)
[[Henry V]]
[[Henry V]]
[[Henry VIII]]
[[Henry Dunbar]]
[[Henry Dunbar]]
Line 120: Line 205:
[[Her Love Against the World]]
[[Her Love Against the World]]
[[Les Héros de Cuisine, ou L'enfant de l'Amour|Héros de Cuisine, Les , ou L'enfant de l'Amour]] (Jacquelin)
[[L'Héritière|Héritière, L']] (Scribe and Delavigne)
[[Les Héritiers Rabourdin|Héritiers Rabourdin, Les]] (Zola)
[[Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti]]
[[De Herschapen Boer|Herschapen Boer, De]] (Holberg) '''See ''[[Jeppe på Bjerget]]'''''
[[Une Heure de Prison, ou La Lettre de Recommandation|Heure de Prison, ou La Lettre de Recommandation, Une]] (Sewrin, Dumersan and Merle)
[[L'Heureuse Erreur|Heureuse Erreur, L']] (Patrat)
[[Heute weder Hamlet]]
[[High Backed Chair]]
[[High Cost of Loving, The]]
[[High Life Below Stairs]] (Townley)
[[High School Musical on Stage!]]
[[High School Musical on Stage!]]
[[High Society]] (musical and film)
[[The Highway Crossing or, The Tale of a Golden Fish|Highway Crossing, The, or, The Tale of a Golden Fish]]
[[Hij moet Duelleren]] (A.A. van der Stempel, Jr)
[[Hij Moet Er Uit en Hij Zal Er Uit!]]  (Meijs)
[[Hill's Literary Entertainments]]
[[The History Boys|History Boys, The]]
[[Hitting Town]]
[[Hitting Town]]
Line 132: Line 251:
[[Hoe die Nieuws versprei 't]]
[[Hoe die Nieuws versprei 't]]
[[De Hoed van den Horlogemaker|Hoed van den Horlogemaker, De]] (Girardin/Leonard) '''See ''[[Le Chapeau d'un Horloger]]'''''.
[[De Hoefsmid|Hoefsmid, De]] (Quétant, tr Menkema)
[[De Hoefsmid|Hoefsmid, De]] (Quétant, tr Menkema)
[[The Hole|Hole, The]]
[[The Hole in the Wall|Hole in the Wall, The]] (Poole)
[[The Hollow|Hollow, The]]
[[The Hollow|Hollow, The]]
[[The Hollow Crown|Hollow Crown, The]]
[[The Holly and the Ivy|Holly and the Ivy, The]]
[[The Holly and the Ivy|Holly and the Ivy, The]]
[[Home at Seven]]
[[Home Fires]]
[[Home Fires]]
[[Home Free]]
[[Home of the Brave]]
[[Home of the Brave]]
[[The Homecoming|Homecoming, The]]
[[The Homecoming|Homecoming, The]]
[[L'homme à Trois Visages, ou Le Proscrit|Homme à Trois Visages, Le, ou Le Proscrit]] (Zschokke/Pixérécourt) '''See ''[[Abällino der Grosse Bandit]]'''''
[[L'Homme Blasé]] (Duvert and Lauzanne de Vauroussel)
[[L'Homme Gris]] (D'Aubigny and Poujol)
[[The Homosexual or the Difficulty of Expression|Homosexual or the Difficulty of Expression, The]]
[[The Homosexual or the Difficulty of Expression|Homosexual or the Difficulty of Expression, The]]
[[Hompie Kedompie]] '''See ''[[Humpty Dumpty]]'''''
[[Hond se Gedagte]]
[[Hond se Gedagte]]
[[The Honest Thieves|Honest Thieves, The]] (Howard/Knight)
[[Honesty is the best Policy]] (Lemon)
[[Honesty is the best Policy]] (Lemon)
[[The Honey Moon|Honey Moon, The]] (Tobin)
[[Honneur et Indigence, ou Le Divorce par Amour]] (Von Kotzebue/Weiss and Patrat)
The Honeymoon (Tobin) See '''[[The Honey Moon]]'''
[[The Honey Moon, or How to Rule a Wife]] (Tobin)
[[The Honeymoon]] (Tobin) See '''[[The Honey Moon, or How to Rule a Wife]]'''
Line 161: Line 305:
[[Die Hoogste Reg|Hoogste Reg, Die]]
[[Het Hoogste Lot|Hoogste Lot, Het]] (Hagemeister)
[[Het Hoogste Recht]] (Boudier-Bakker)
[[Die Hoogste Reg|Hoogste Reg, Die]] (Boudier-Bakker) '''See ''[[Het Hoogste Recht]]'''''
[[De Horoskooptrekker, of De Speculant in Effecten|Horoskooptrekker, De, of De Speculant in Effecten]] (Hanegraaff)
[[The Hostage|Hostage, The]]
[[The Hostage|Hostage, The]]
[[Hostile Witness]]
[[Hostile Witness]]
[[Hot Summer Night]]
[[Hot Tiara]]
[[Hot Tiara]]
[[Hotel Paradiso]]
[[Hotel Paradiso]]
[[Hotel Wittebrood]] (Van Buren)
[[The House by the Lake|House by the Lake, The]]
[[The House by the Lake|House by the Lake, The]]
[[House Guest]]
[[The House in Fern Road|House in Fern Road, The]]
[[The House in Fern Road|House in Fern Road, The]]
Line 178: Line 334:
[[The House of Blue Leaves|House of Blue Leaves, The]]
[[The House of Blue Leaves|House of Blue Leaves, The]]
[[The House of O: A Reconstruction of Hamlet|House of O, The: A Reconstruction of Hamlet]] (Shakespeare/Barnard)
[[A House to be Sold|House to be Sold, A]] (Cobb)
[[The House with Twisty Windows|House with Twisty Windows, The]]
[[The Housekeeper, or "The White Rose"|Housekeeper, The, or "The White Rose"]] (Jerrold)
[[How He Lied To Her Husband]]
[[How I Learned to Drive]]
[[How I Learned to Drive]]
[[How's the World Treating You?]]
[[How the Other Half Loves]]
[[How the Other Half Loves]]
[[How to Die for Love!]] (Von Kotzebue)
[[How to Die for Love!]] (Von Kotzebue) '''See ''[[Blind Geladen]]'''''
[[How to Pay the Rent]] (Power)
[[How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying]]
[[How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying]]
[[How's the World Treating You?]]
[[H.P. and Friends]]
[[H.P. and Friends]]
Line 196: Line 364:
[[Hugo Grotius]] (Von Kotzebue)
[[Hugo Grotius]] (Von Kotzebue)
[[De Hugenoten|Hugenoten, De]] (Meyerbeer, Scribe and Deschamps) '''See ''[[Les Huguenots]]'''''
[[Les Huguenots|Huguenots, Les]] (Meyerbeer, Scribe and Deschamps)
[[Die Huigelaar|Huigelaar, Die]] (Molière) '''See [[Tartuffe]]'''
[[Die Huigelaar|Huigelaar, Die]] (Molière) '''See [[Tartuffe]]'''
Line 201: Line 373:
[[Huis Clos]]
[[Huis Clos]]
[[De Huisdokter|Huisdokter, De]] (Ziegler)
[[Huis te Koop]]
[[Huis Toe]] (Pinter)
[[Huis Toe]] (Süderman)
[[De Huisdokter|Huisdokter, De]] (Ziegler) '''See [[Der Hausdoktor]]'''
[[Het Huishouden van Jan Steen|Huishouden van Jan Steen, Het]]
[[Het Huishouden van Jan Steen|Huishouden van Jan Steen, Het]] (Westerman)
[[Huis te Koop]]
[[De Huishoudster van Twee Oude Heeren|Huishoudster van Twee Oude Heeren, De]] (F.W.B.)
[[Huistoe]] (Süderman)
[[Huit Femmes]] (Thomas)
[[Humpty Dumpty]] (character/title)
[[Huis Toe]]
[[The Hunchback|Hunchback, The]] (Knowles)
[[Huit Femmes]]
[[The Hundred Pound Note|Hundred Pound Note, The]] (Peake)
[[A Hundred Years Old|Hundred Years Old, A]]
[[A Hundred Years Old|Hundred Years Old, A]]
[[Het Huwelijk van Jocrisse|Huwelijk van Jocrisse, Het]] (Guillemain/Fallée)
[[Hunting a Turtle]] (Selby)
[[Een Huwelijksadvertentie, of De Geplaagde Schoolmeester]] (Broekhoff)
[[Het Huwelijk van Jocrisse|Huwelijk van Jocrisse, Het]] (Guillemain/Fallée) '''See ''[[Le Mariage de Jocrisse]]'''''
[[Het Huwelyk van den Capucyn|Huwelyk van den Capucyn, Het]] (Pelletier-Volméranges) '''See ''[[Le Mariage du Capucin]]'''''
[[Huzaar en Pandoer]] (Schücking/Schuitemaker)
[[Hy Moet Er Uit en Hy Zal Er Uit]] (Meys)
[[The Hypocrite|Hypocrite, The]] (Molière) '''See [[Tartuffe]]'''  
[[The Hypocrite|Hypocrite, The]] (Molière) '''See [[Tartuffe]]'''  
Line 219: Line 413:
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Latest revision as of 06:23, 19 September 2019

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Please Note

Dutch titles beginning with the article "het" are listed under the following noun, according to normal bibliographic usage.

The list

H.M.S. Pinafore

Haar Eerste Bal

Haar Egskeiding

Haar Thuis (Südermann) See Heimat

Haar Tweede Man

Haat en Liefde (Von Bonin) See Haß und Liebe

Habeas Corpus

Hadrian the Seventh


Hairy Ape, The

Half an Hour

Halfway up the Tree

Hallowed Ground

Hamlet (Shakespeare)

iHamlet (Shakespeare/Malan)

Hamlet, kgosi ea Denmark (Shakespeare/Mahloane)

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Shakespeare/Abrahamse and Meyer)

Hamletmachine (Shakespeare/Müller)

Hand vol vere, Die (Brink)

Hands Across the Sea

Handy Andy (Various authors)

Hans de Kruyer in t' Verhoor (Beckmann/Schoonhoven and Van Nooten) See Der Eckensteher Nante im Verhör

Hans Huckebein, der Unglücksrabe (Blumenthal and Kadelburg)

Hansel and Gretel


Happiest Days of Your Life, The (J. Dighton)

Happiness Cage, The

Happy as a Sandbag

Happy as Larry

Happy Birthday

Happy Days

Happy End

Happy Endings are Extra

Happy Jack

Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, The

Happy Man, The (Lover)

Happy Marriage, The

Happy Pair, A (Smith)

Happy Prince, The

Harbour Lights, The (Sims and Pettitt)

Hard Struggle, A (Marston)

Hariadan Barbarossa, of Het Beleg van Reggio (Lamarque de Saint-Victor and Corsse/Fallée) See Hariadan Barberousse

Hariadan Barberousse (Lamarque de Saint-Victor and Corsse)


Harlequin ABC

Harlequin and Mother Goose, or The Golden Egg (Dibdin)

Harlequin and the Magic Donkey

Harlequin Pantomime

Harlequin Prince Perseus, or The Maid and the Monster (Anon.)

Harlequinesque Pantomime

Harmful Effects of Tobacco, The (Chekhov)

Harold and Maude




Haß und Liebe (Von Bonin)


Hasty Heart, The

Hatful of Rain, A

Haunted Host, The. A Quartet for Two Actors, a Telephone and a Ghost

The Haunted Inn (Peake) See The Haunted Inn, or How to lay a Ghost

Haunted Inn, The, or How to lay a Ghost (Peake)

Hausdoktor, Der (Ziegler)

Hay Fever

Heartbreak House

Hearts are Trumps (Lemon)

Heaven of Existence

Hecuba (Euripides)

Hedda Gabler

Heidi Chronicles, The

Heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe, Die

Heilige Vlam, Die


Heir at Law, The (George Colman the Younger)

Heiress, The

Hekse van Salem, Die

Hélène (Géraldy) See Aimer (Géraldy)

Helleveeg, De (Loosjes)

Hellhound (Whyle)

Hello, Dolly!

Hello I'm 8!

Hello Out There


Hendrik IV (Shakespeare)

Henry IV

Henry IV (Pirandello) See Enrico IV

Henry IV, Part 1 (Shakespeare)

Henry IV, Part 2 (Shakespeare)

Henry V

Henry VIII

Henry Dunbar

Her Little Ladyship

Her Love Against the World

Héros de Cuisine, Les , ou L'enfant de l'Amour (Jacquelin)

Héritière, L' (Scribe and Delavigne)

Héritiers Rabourdin, Les (Zola)

Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti

Herschapen Boer, De (Holberg) See Jeppe på Bjerget

Heure de Prison, ou La Lettre de Recommandation, Une (Sewrin, Dumersan and Merle)

Heureuse Erreur, L' (Patrat)

Heute weder Hamlet

High Backed Chair

High Cost of Loving, The

High Life Below Stairs (Townley)

High School Musical on Stage!

High Society (musical and film)

Highway Crossing, The, or, The Tale of a Golden Fish

Hij moet Duelleren (A.A. van der Stempel, Jr)

Hij Moet Er Uit en Hij Zal Er Uit! (Meijs)

Hill's Literary Entertainments



History Boys, The

Hitting Town

Hobson's Choice

Hoe die Nieuws versprei 't

Hoed van den Horlogemaker, De (Girardin/Leonard) See Le Chapeau d'un Horloger.

Hoefsmid, De (Quétant, tr Menkema)

Hole, The

Hole in the Wall, The (Poole)

Hollow, The

Hollow Crown, The

Holly and the Ivy, The


Home at Seven

Home Fires

Home Free

Home of the Brave

Homecoming, The

Homme à Trois Visages, Le, ou Le Proscrit (Zschokke/Pixérécourt) See Abällino der Grosse Bandit

L'Homme Blasé (Duvert and Lauzanne de Vauroussel)

L'Homme Gris (D'Aubigny and Poujol)

Homosexual or the Difficulty of Expression, The

Hompie Kedompie See Humpty Dumpty

Hond se Gedagte

Honest Thieves, The (Howard/Knight)

Honesty is the best Policy (Lemon)

Honneur et Indigence, ou Le Divorce par Amour (Von Kotzebue/Weiss and Patrat)

The Honey Moon, or How to Rule a Wife (Tobin)

The Honeymoon (Tobin) See The Honey Moon, or How to Rule a Wife



Hoogste Lot, Het (Hagemeister)

Het Hoogste Recht (Boudier-Bakker)

Hoogste Reg, Die (Boudier-Bakker) See Het Hoogste Recht

Horoskooptrekker, De, of De Speculant in Effecten (Hanegraaff)

Hostage, The

Hostile Witness

Hot Summer Night

Hot Tiara

Hotel Paradiso

Hotel Wittebrood (Van Buren)

House by the Lake, The

House Guest

House in Fern Road, The

House of Bernarda Alba, The

House of Blue Leaves, The

House of O, The: A Reconstruction of Hamlet (Shakespeare/Barnard)

House to be Sold, A (Cobb)

House with Twisty Windows, The

Housekeeper, The, or "The White Rose" (Jerrold)

How He Lied To Her Husband

How I Learned to Drive

How's the World Treating You?

How the Other Half Loves

How to Die for Love! (Von Kotzebue) See Blind Geladen

How to Pay the Rent (Power)

How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

H.P. and Friends


Hugo de Groot (Von Kotzebue) See Hugo Grotius

Hugo Grotius (Von Kotzebue)

Hugenoten, De (Meyerbeer, Scribe and Deschamps) See Les Huguenots

Huguenots, Les (Meyerbeer, Scribe and Deschamps)

Huigelaar, Die (Molière) See Tartuffe

Huis Clos

Huis te Koop

Huis Toe (Pinter)

Huis Toe (Süderman)

Huisdokter, De (Ziegler) See Der Hausdoktor

Huishouden van Jan Steen, Het (Westerman)

Huishoudster van Twee Oude Heeren, De (F.W.B.)

Huistoe (Süderman)

Huit Femmes (Thomas)

Humpty Dumpty (character/title)

Hunchback, The (Knowles)

Hundred Pound Note, The (Peake)

Hundred Years Old, A

Hunting a Turtle (Selby)

Een Huwelijksadvertentie, of De Geplaagde Schoolmeester (Broekhoff)

Huwelijk van Jocrisse, Het (Guillemain/Fallée) See Le Mariage de Jocrisse

Huwelyk van den Capucyn, Het (Pelletier-Volméranges) See Le Mariage du Capucin

Huzaar en Pandoer (Schücking/Schuitemaker)

Hy Moet Er Uit en Hy Zal Er Uit (Meys)

Hypocrite, The (Molière) See Tartuffe


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