Habeas Corpus
Habeas Corpus is a comedy stage play by English playwright, screenwriter, actor and author Alan Bennett (1934-)[1]
The original text
It was first performed at the Lyric Theatre in London on 10 May 1973, with Alec Guinness and Margaret Courtenay in the lead roles. Habeas corpus is also a legal term. It is Latin and translates as "you shall have the body".
Performance history in South Africa
1974: The British production, directed by Kim Grant (British director) and starring the British actor Nigel Patrick, brought out and staged the Civic Theatre, Johannesburg by Pieter Toerien.
1983: Produced by Sons of England Dramatic Society and performed in the Baxter Studio, directed by Yvonne Copley. The cast: Brian de Kock, Kate Ludford, Ruth Allsopp, Bob Gislon, Sue Cunningham, Norman Sargeant, Val Jones, Hugh Philip, Janet Gilson, Nigel Sweet, Ken Wicksteed.
1989: Produced at the Little Theatre by the University of Cape Town Drama Department, directed directed by Geoffrey Hyland. It opened on 13 December 1989.
Translations and adaptations
Wikipedia [2].
Barrow, Brian & Williams-Short, Yvonne (eds.). 1988. Theatre Alive! The Baxter Story 1977-1987
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