Fabio, Gustav Pohl
Factor, Sylvia
Factor, Tony
Fagan, H.A.
Fagan, Queenie
Fairbairn, John
Fairclough, Boothroyd
Faku, B.S.G.
Falck, Christine
Falck, Johan
Falkson, Dina
Fallowes, Grant
Fanon, Frantz
Farao, Ruweida
Farber, Yael
Farmer, Anthony
Farmer, Richard
Farquhar, Malcolm
Fasi, Themba
Fassie, Brenda
Faubet, Jill
Faulkner, James
Faure, Rev. A.
Fauré, Stephanie
Faure, William
Feather, Kevin
Fefer, Zwi
Feinstein, Erika
Feldman, Hazel
Feldman, Peter
Feldsman, George
Felix, Ilse
Felix, Yvonne
Fellows-Smith, Liz
Fenn, Jane
Fenn, Jean
Fenson, Jill
Fenton, Amy
Fenton, Blanche
Fenton, Norman
Fenton, Ron
Ferguson, Gus
Ferguson, Ian
Ferguson, Jennifer
Ferguson, Lynn
Ferguson, Sheila
Fernald, John
Ferreira, Antonius
Ferreira, Nerina
Ferreira, Nina
Ferreira, Sandra
Ferrus, Diane
Ferugia, Lena
Festenstein, Sadie
ffrangçon-Davies, Gwen
Fick, Aletta
Fick, Letti
Fick, Memory
Field, Mary
Field, Shirley Anne
Filinova, Kseniya
Fillis, Adele
Fillis, Frank
Fillis, Vincenda
Findlay, Michael
Fine, Andrea
Fine, Michelle
Fine, Moira
Fine, Nicholas
Fine, Toby
Finestone, Juanita
Finestone-Praeg, Juanita
Finlayson, Michael
Finlayson, Robert
Finney, Bess
First, Sharroll
Firth, Shirley
Fischer, Abraham
Fischer, Bram
Fischer, Cynthia
Fish, Colin
Fisher, Anne
Fisher, Cyril
Fisher, Michael
Fisher, Peta
Fisher, Ryland
Fitzgibbon, Maggie
Fitzhugh, Terrick
Flather, Horace
Fleischmann, Ernest
Fleishman, Mark
Flemyng, Robert
Flesch, Anthony
Fletcher, Jill
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, Tony
Fletcher, Valerie
Fluxman, Daryl
Flynn, Bill
Flynn, Eric
Fogarty, Elsie
Fogg, Jeremy
Fok, Kenneth
Folbigge, Dennis
Follansbee, Julie
Folley, Lawrence
Folley, Roxanne
Fong, Leslie
Fontaine, Joan
Foord, Isabelle
Foord, Isobelle
Foord, Woutrine
Foot, Lara
Foot-Newton, Lara
Formby, George
Forrest, Chet
Forsyth, Bruce
Forsyth, Cat
Forsyth, Teresa
Foster, Sophia
Fouché, Elsa
Foukx, Maurice
Fourie, Alyzzander
Fourie, Barend
Fourie, Charles J.
Fourie, Chris
Fourie, Corlia
Fourie, Eunice
Fourie, GiGi
Fourie, J.J.
Fourie, Joey
Fourie, Joha
Fourie, Johan
Fourie, Johan J.
Fourie, Nita
Fourie, Peter
Fourie, Pieter
Fourie, Pieter J.
Fourie, Pieter-Paul
Fox, André
Fox, Caroline
Fox, Grethe
Fox, Grethe-Maria
Fox, Pat
Foyer, Margaret
France, Ronald
France, Wesley
Francesco, Gillian
Francesco, Gilyan
Francesco the Clown
Franchi, Sergio
Francis, Azra
Francis, Benji
Francis, Benjy
Francis, Elizabeth
Frangs, Irene
Franken, A.
Franklin, Jenny
Frans, Appolis
Fransman, Willem
Franz, G.H.
Fraser, Anta
Fraser, Charles
Fraser, Fiona
Fraser, Ian
Freeman, Denise
French, Olive
Fridjohn, Anthony
Friedman, Joan
Fry, Margret
Fugard, Athol
Fugard, Sheila
Fuller, Donald
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