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==The list==
[[NAC Act (1997)]]
[[NAPAC Archives and Reference Library]]
[[NAPAC Loft Theatre Company]], Durban
[[NAPAC Opera]]
[[NLC]] '''See [[National Lotteries Commission]]'''
[[NLSA]] See '''[[National Library of South Africa]]'''
[[Performing Arts Network of South Africa|NLDTF/PANSA Festival of Reading of New writing]].
[[Dirk en Reinette Nagtegaal KKNK kompetisie vir Nuutgeskrewe Verhoogtekste|Nagtegaal Prys]]
[[NTO Afrikaans Touring Company]]
[[NTO Bilingual Touring Company]]
[[NTO Board of Control]]
[[NTO English Touring Company]]
[[NTO Jeuggroep]]
[[NTO Kamertoneel]]
[[NTO Youth Group]]
[[NTO Youth Theatre]]
[[NUSAS Arts Festival]]
[[NWU]] (see '''[[North-West University]]''')
[[Nagtegaal Prize]]
[[Naledi Theatre Awards]]
[[Namaqualand Rural Dance Project]]
[[Namaqualand Rural Dance Project]]
Line 15: Line 103:
[[NALN|Nasionale Afrikaanse Literêre Museum en Navorsingsentrum]]
[[Nan Munro and Margaret Inglis Company]], The
[[Nasionale Afrikaanse Letterkundige Museum en Dokumentasiesentrum]], Bloemfontein
[[Nasionale Afrikaanse Teater-inisiatief]] ([[NATi]])
[[Nasionale Dokumentasiesentrum vir Afrikaanse Letterkunde]]
[[Nasionale Dokumentasiesentrum vir die Uitvoerende Kunste]], RGN - Pretoria
[[Nasionale Fees van Kleurlingsake]]
[[Nasionale Filmraad]]
[[Nasionale Jeugteater]]
[[Nasionale Jeugtoneel]]
[[Nasionale Kinderteater]]
[[Nasionale Klub Saal]], Pretoria
[[Nasionale Klubsaal]], Pretoria
[[Nasionale Navorsingstigting]]
[[Nasionale Pers]], Publishers
[[Nasionale Pers Boekhandel]]
[[Nasionale Saal]], Pretoria
[[Nasionale Saal]], Pretoria
[[Breytenbach Theatre, Pretoria|Nasionale Skouburg, Pretoria]]
[[Nasionale Skouburg]], Pretoria
[[Breytenbach Theatre|Nasionale Skouburg, Pretoria]]
[[Nasionale Toneelorganisasie]]
[[Nasionale Toneelorganisasie]]
[[Nasou]] Publishers
[[Nasou Via Afrika]], publishers
[[Natal Cultural Congress]]
[[Natal Electric Theatres Ltd.]]
[[The Natal Mercury|Natal Mercury, The]] (Newspaper)
[[Natal Performing Arts Council]]
[[Natal Playhouse]], Durban
[[Natal Society Drama Group]], Pietermaritzburg
[[Natal Technikon, Department of Drama]]
[[Natal Theatre Workshop Company]], Durban
[[De Natalier|Natalier, De]] (Newspaper)
[[Natalie Knight Productions]]
[[Natalse Teater]], Die - Pietermaritzburg
[[National Advisory Council for Adult Education]] (NACAE)
[[National Afrikaans Literary Museum and Documentation Centre]], Bloemfontein
[[National Archives and Records Service of South Africa]]
[[National Arts and Culture Development Foundation]]
[[National Arts Council]]
[[National Arts Council of South Africa]]
[[National Arts Festival]]  
[[National Arts Festival]]  
Line 29: Line 187:
[[National Children's Theatre Trust]]
[[National Children's Theatre Trust]]
[[NELM|National English Literary Museum, Grahamstown]]
[[National Community Theatre for Education and Development Network]] ([[NACTED]])
[[National Council for Adult Education]] 
[[National Documentation Centre for Afrikaans Literature]]
[[National Documentation Centre for the Performing Arts]], HSRC - Pretoria
[[Breytenbach Theatre, Pretoria|National Theatre, Pretoria]]
[[National Drama Library]], Bloemfontein
[[National English Literary Museum]], Grahamstown
[[National Festival of Coloured Affairs]]
[[National Festival of One-act Plays]]
[[National Film Archives]]
[[National Film and Video Foundation]] ([[NFVF]])
[[National Film Board]]
[[National Film, Video and Sound Archives]] ([[NAFVSA]])
[[National Library of South Africa]]
[[National Lotteries Commission]] ([[NLC]])
[[National Lottery|National Lottery of South Africa]]
[[National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund]] ([[NLDTF]])
[[National Opera Association]]
[[National Opera Company]]
[[National Opera Society]]
[[National Organisation for Reproduction Rights in Music]] in Southern Africa (NORM),
[[National School of the Arts]]
[[National Schools Festival]], Grahamstown
[[National Speech Festival]]
[[National Student Arts Festival]], Grahamstown
[[National Theatre]], Pretoria
[[National Theatre Organisation]] (NTO)
[[National Theatre Organisation]] (NTO)
[[National Youth Theatre]]
[[Native Harmonic Society]]
[[Naweekpos Films]]
[[Naval Amateur Company]], Simonstown
[[Nazareth Baptist Church]]
[[Nedbank Arts Affinity]] programme. See '''[[Nedbank]]'''
[[Nedcor Bank]]
[[Nedcor Bank]]
[[Nederduitsch Zuid-Afrikaansch Tydschrift]]
[[Nederlands Kamertoneel]], Antwerp
[[Nederlandsch Toneelschool]], Het - Amsterdam  
[[Nederlandsch Toneelschool]], Het - Amsterdam  
Line 41: Line 263:
[[Nederlandse Kunst-klub]], Cape Town
[[Nederlandse Kunst-klub]], Cape Town
[[Nederlandse Kunstklub]], Cape Town
[[Nederlandsche Toneelgezelschap]], Pretoria
[[Nederlandsche Vereniging]], Johannesburg
[[Nederlandsch Zuid-Afrikaansche Vereeniging]]
[[Neill-Firth Company]]
[[Neilson-Terry Company]], The
[[Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University]]
[[Nelson Mandela Theatre]], Johannesburg
[[Nelson Mandela University]]
[[New Africa Theatre Association]]
[[New Bijou]], Pietermaritzburg
[[Bijou Theatre|New Bijou Theatre, Pietermaritzburg]]  
[[Bijou Theatre|New Bijou Theatre, Pietermaritzburg]]  
[[New Contrast]]
[[New Contrast]]
[[New Electric Club]], Durban
[[New English Theatrical Company]], Cape Town
[[New Lyric Theatre]], Durban
[[New Music Hall]], Cape Town
[[New Music Hall]], Cape Town
[[CAPAB|Nico Malan Theatre Centre (The Nico)]]  
[[New Nation]] magazine
[[New National Party]]
[[New Republic Party]]
[[New South African Review]] (Journal)
[[New Space Theatre]], Cape Town
[[New Theatre Royal]], Cape Town. '''See [[Theatre Royal]]'''
[[New Troubadour Folk Club]], Johannesburg
[[Nico]], The - Cape Town
[[Nico Malan Opera House]], The - Cape Town
[[Nico Malan Theatre]] Cape Town
[[Niemand Commission]], The
[[Commissions of Enquiry|Niemand Commission]], 1977
[[Commissions of Enquiry|Niemand Commission]], 1977
[[Het Nieuw Stellenbossche Tooneel Gezelschap|Nieuw Stellenbossche Tooneel Gezelschap, Het]] (1831-1838)
[[De Nieuwe Kerk|Nieuwe Kerk, De]], Cape Town
[[No 58]], Hillbrow
[[No 58 Too]], Hillbrow
[[Noble’s Olympic Circus]]
[[Nobulali Productions]]
[[Norman Powell Publishers]], Cape Town
[[North Lincolnshire Regiment of Foot]]
[[North Lincoln Sphinx]]
[[North West Province Arts and Culture Council]], Mmabatho
[[North West Arts Council]],  Mmabatho
[[North-West University]]‎‎
[[Not the Midnight Mass]]
[[Breytenbach Theatre, Pretoria|NTO Kamertoneel]]
[[Breytenbach Theatre, Pretoria|NTO Kamertoneel]]
[[Nunnery]], The
[[Nuwe Helikon]], Die
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Return to [[South_African_Theatre/Venues|South African Theatre Venues, Companies, Societies, etc ]]

Revision as of 17:07, 30 October 2024

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The list


NAC Act (1997)







NAPAC Archives and Reference Library

NAPAC Loft Theatre Company, Durban











NLC See National Lotteries Commission


NLSA See National Library of South Africa

NLDTF/PANSA Festival of Reading of New writing.









NTO Afrikaans Touring Company

NTO Bilingual Touring Company

NTO Board of Control

NTO English Touring Company

NTO Jeuggroep

NTO Kamertoneel

NTO Youth Group

NTO Youth Theatre


NUSAS Arts Festival

NWU (see North-West University)

Nagtegaal Prize


Naledi Theatre Awards

Namaqualand Rural Dance Project


Nan Munro and Margaret Inglis Company, The

Nasionale Afrikaanse Letterkundige Museum en Dokumentasiesentrum, Bloemfontein

Nasionale Afrikaanse Teater-inisiatief (NATi)

Nasionale Dokumentasiesentrum vir Afrikaanse Letterkunde

Nasionale Dokumentasiesentrum vir die Uitvoerende Kunste, RGN - Pretoria

Nasionale Fees van Kleurlingsake

Nasionale Filmraad

Nasionale Jeugteater

Nasionale Jeugtoneel

Nasionale Kinderteater

Nasionale Klub Saal, Pretoria

Nasionale Klubsaal, Pretoria

Nasionale Navorsingstigting

Nasionale Pers, Publishers

Nasionale Pers Boekhandel

Nasionale Saal, Pretoria

Nasionale Skouburg, Pretoria

Nasionale Skouburg, Pretoria

Nasionale Toneelorganisasie

Nasou Publishers

Nasou Via Afrika, publishers


Natal Cultural Congress

Natal Electric Theatres Ltd.

Natal Mercury, The (Newspaper)

Natal Performing Arts Council

Natal Playhouse, Durban

Natal Society Drama Group, Pietermaritzburg

Natal Technikon, Department of Drama

Natal Theatre Workshop Company, Durban

Natalier, De (Newspaper)

Natalie Knight Productions

Natalse Teater, Die - Pietermaritzburg

National Advisory Council for Adult Education (NACAE)

National Afrikaans Literary Museum and Documentation Centre, Bloemfontein

National Archives and Records Service of South Africa

National Arts and Culture Development Foundation

National Arts Council

National Arts Council of South Africa

National Arts Festival

National Children's Theatre

National Children's Theatre Trust

National Community Theatre for Education and Development Network (NACTED)

National Council for Adult Education

National Documentation Centre for Afrikaans Literature

National Documentation Centre for the Performing Arts, HSRC - Pretoria

National Drama Library, Bloemfontein

National English Literary Museum, Grahamstown

National Festival of Coloured Affairs

National Festival of One-act Plays

National Film Archives

National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF)

National Film Board

National Film, Video and Sound Archives (NAFVSA)

National Library of South Africa

National Lotteries Commission (NLC)

National Lottery of South Africa

National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund (NLDTF)

National Opera Association

National Opera Company

National Opera Society

National Organisation for Reproduction Rights in Music in Southern Africa (NORM),

National School of the Arts

National Schools Festival, Grahamstown

National Speech Festival

National Student Arts Festival, Grahamstown

National Theatre, Pretoria

National Theatre Organisation (NTO)

National Youth Theatre

Native Harmonic Society

Naweekpos Films

Naval Amateur Company, Simonstown

Nazareth Baptist Church


Nedbank Arts Affinity programme. See Nedbank

Nedcor Bank

Nederduitsch Zuid-Afrikaansch Tydschrift

Nederlands Kamertoneel, Antwerp

Nederlandsch Toneelschool, Het - Amsterdam

Nederlandse Kunst-klub, Cape Town

Nederlandse Kunstklub, Cape Town

Nederlandsche Toneelgezelschap, Pretoria

Nederlandsche Vereniging, Johannesburg

Nederlandsch Zuid-Afrikaansche Vereeniging

Neill-Firth Company

Neilson-Terry Company, The

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Nelson Mandela Theatre, Johannesburg

Nelson Mandela University

New Africa Theatre Association

New Bijou, Pietermaritzburg

New Bijou Theatre, Pietermaritzburg

New Contrast

New Electric Club, Durban

New English Theatrical Company, Cape Town

New Lyric Theatre, Durban

New Music Hall, Cape Town

New Nation magazine

New National Party

New Republic Party

New South African Review (Journal)

New Space Theatre, Cape Town

New Theatre Royal, Cape Town. See Theatre Royal

New Troubadour Folk Club, Johannesburg


Nico, The - Cape Town

Nico Malan Opera House, The - Cape Town

Nico Malan Theatre Cape Town

Niemand Commission, The

Niemand Commission, 1977

Nieuw Stellenbossche Tooneel Gezelschap, Het (1831-1838)

Nieuwe Kerk, De, Cape Town

No 58, Hillbrow

No 58 Too, Hillbrow

Noble’s Olympic Circus

Nobulali Productions

Norman Powell Publishers, Cape Town

North Lincolnshire Regiment of Foot

North Lincoln Sphinx

North West Province Arts and Culture Council, Mmabatho

North West Arts Council, Mmabatho

North-West University‎‎


Not the Midnight Mass

NTO Kamertoneel

Nunnery, The

Nuwe Helikon, Die

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