Libertas Teaterklub
An amateur theatre club founded in 1960 in in the old wine cellar at Libertas/Vredelust, Stellenbosch by Betty Freund, Charles Johnman and Myril Ginsburg. In 1967 they moved to the Klein Libertas Teater ("Little Libertas Theatre"), a converted stable on Bergzicht farm in Bird Street, made available by the Municipality.
The idea for the club originated in 1959/60?** with what Ian Ferguson has called a " disastrous" amateur production of Dark is not Light Enough in the old Conservatoire of Music in Stellenbosch, directed by Charles Johnman [?*]. In spite of the failure Johnman and the cast asked Betty Freund to establish a proper theatre group in the old wine cellar at Libertas/Vredelust. She negotiated with the owners (Wakkie/Jean and Willa Krige) and supervised the conversion. Thus the Libertas Theatre Club was formally founded with Charles Johnman as first chairperson and Myril Ginsburg as secretary.
In 1967 the the club moved to a converted stable on Bergzicht farm in Bird Street, made available by the Municipality. It was named the Klein Libertas-teater ("Little Libertas Theatre").
Between 1960 and 1976 the chairman was Charles Johnman, from 19**-19** it was **. In 198*-199* Piet Viljoen was chairman, and in 199* Jannie Hofmeyr took over.
Until 1994 it was exclusively an amateur club, but as . The name changed to Klein Libertas Theatre to distinguish it from the Oude Libertas Theatre of Distell. As the political structures in the country changed and the arts councils fell away, artists started creating their own work and needed venues to perform. The Klein Libertas Theatre answered perfectly to this need and is therefore now not only used by amateurs and upcoming artists but more and more by professionals as well.
Although the theatre still keep it’s amateur wing alive, the emphasis nowadays fall heavy on community theatre projects of which the “Pretty Ladies”, a well-known group of farmworker women, was the first project. Recently the Klein Libertas Theatre also registered as a production house – of which two professional productions namely, “Want, kyk die bruidegom is hier” (a production about Hennie Aucamp’s work) and “Pas de Deux” of Hugo Claus, with Nicole Holm and Johann Nel, were extremely successful. Both Nicole and Johann were nominated for the Fleur du Cap-awards.
In 1998 the club was re-structured under the chairmanship of Amelda Brand (1998-1999) and later Gaerin Hauptfleisch (2000-2009), to provide for involvement from a range of professionals, students, amateurs and community theatre groups. A formal manager was also appointed for the theatre in 1998?*. The first appointee was Francois Toerien, followed in 2000 by Maryn **??, and later by her brother, Johan (GiGi) Fourie.
Ad Lib
Over the years the club published a newsletter (Ad Lib) in the years 19**-19**, under the editorship of ***?? This was revived in 1998 under the editorship of Gaerin Hauptfleisch.
Productions 1960-1966
Libertas Theatre Club's first production, three one-act plays, was staged in the Denneoord Hall, Stellenbosch, in September 1960; Onderdrukte Begeertes, directed by Piet van Straaten, with Marie van Heerden, Fred Roux and Maxie Liebenberg.
The first production in the Vredelust cellar was a farce by Kenneth Horne [?says Ian Ferguson?] directed by Johnman. Among the other memorable productions in the first venue were A Lady Mislaid (1961, director Charles Johnman); Die Grootkanonne (1962, written by Uys Krige).
Productions 1967-1994
Over the years memorable productions in this venue included amongst others 'n Bruidsbed vir Tant Nonnie (1970, a Hennie Aucamp prose evening with performers such as Herman Pretorius, Johann van Heerden and Annalise van der Rijst); Vlugsout (1974, included the first production of Wolf, Wolf hoe laat is dit? by Hennie Aucamp, directed by Marie van Heerden); [[Steadman’s Folly]] (1974, written by Stephen Curtis and won the Stephen Black Memorial prize); The Lesson (1975, starring Ben Dehaeck and Juanita Swanepoel); 'n Bruid in die Môre (by ***, 1977, directed by Marie van Heerden, staring Juanita Swanepoel); The Reluctant Debutante (1978, directed by Billy Trengrove. Won the Cape Times prize for best amateur production); Ekskuus vir die Wals (1984, cabaret by Ettienne van Heerden, staring Antoinette Pienaar, André Schwartz and Jannie Hofmeyr); 3-D (1984, cabaret by Anthony Constandius, directed by Zoettje Hofmeyr and staring Antoinette Pienaar, Ilse Roos, André Schwartz and Jannie Hofmeyr); Gifbessie (1988, cabaret by André Fox); The Gypsy Love Story (1994, written by Richard Smollen).
Productions 1995-
With the change in management structure, an increasing number of professional productions (notably from the various Arts Festivals) and student productions from the University of Stellenbosch Drama Department were now presented, although the amateur wing of the old club continues to exist, having a representative on the management committee.
Productions in this period include “Want, kyk die bruidegom is hier” (a production about Hennie Aucamp’s work) and “Pas de Deux” of Hugo Claus,***
Community theatre
From 1995 onwards, the a community theatre workshop was also run, producing work such as Hoe issie lewe oor die Krismis (1998, facilitated by Amelda Brand with female farm workers). Out of this grew the strong community thyeatre activities of the club, initiated and run by Brand, taken over in 2000 by Saartjie Botha, and later by Kabous Meiring. The amateur wing of the old club continued to exist, having a representative on the management committee.
In 1967 the club moved to the old stables on the Bergzicht grounds where it is still situated today.
Until 1994 the Libertas Theatre was exclusively an amateur club. The name changed to Klein Libertas Theatre to distinguish it from the Oude Libertas Theatre of Distell. As the political structures in the country changed and the arts councils fell away, artists started creating their own work and needed venues to perform. The Klein Libertas Theatre answered perfectly to this need and is therefore now not only used by amateurs and upcoming artists but more and more by professionals as well.
Although the theatre still keep it’s amateur wing alive, the emphasis nowadays fall heavy on community theatre projects of which the “Pretty Ladies”, a well-known group of farmworker women, was the first project. Recently the Klein Libertas Theatre also registered as a production house – of which two professional productions namely, “Want, kyk die bruidegom is hier” (a production about Hennie Aucamp’s work) and “Pas de Deux” of Hugo Claus, with Nicole Holm and Johann Nel, were extremely successful. Both Nicole and Johann were nominated for the Fleur du Cap-awards.
The Klein Libertas Theatre still focus stongly on amateur theatre, but also functions as a Community theatre Children and Youth theatre Professional theatre
The original purpose of the Klein Libertas Theatre was to allow the theatre lovers of Stellenbosch to have a club where they can live out their love for the performing arts and play an active rol in the development of the community. This is still the mission.
For enquiries contact our office at 021 883 8164 between 10h00 and 14h00.
The Libertas Theatre Club was founded on 5 April 1960 in Stellenbosch after the local theatre lovers dreamed of such a club for very long. The Libertas Theatre Club, as it was named, had it’s headoffice in the old wine cellar on the farm Vredelust in Dorp Street. Today the well known De Kelder Restaurant is hosted there. Jean en Willa Krige van Vredelust in Dorpstraat, het goedhartiglik hulle kelder tot die beskikking van die klub gestel. Die lokaal het geen beligting, geen verhoog, geen gordyne, geen stoele of kleedkamers gehad nie en vir hulle eerste produksie op 21 Februarie 1961 in hul nuutgevonde “teater” moes hulle ‘n piepklein verhogie met vier geleende rostrums bou, ‘n paar stoele leen en in die Eikestadnuus adverteer dat die gehoor asseblief hulle eie stoele moet saambring na die vertoning! Die gebrek aan ‘n plafon het die akteurs byna onhoorbaar gelaat onder die sinkdak as dit reën, die sementvloer het die lokaal in ‘n reuse yskas verander in die winter en die gehoor moes koes om die reuse houtstutte wat die dak gestut het. In die foyer (wat ‘n aangrensende skuur was) het plaasimplemente en bale strooi gelê, maar binne die eerste twee jaar was daar ‘n permanente verhoog, stoele wat goedkoop van die Girl Guides aangekoop is, ‘n verhooggordyn wat deur Binnehuis geskenk is, twee reuse wynvate wat as kleedkamers ingerig is en geen houtstutte in die ouditorium nie! Omdat daar as gevolg van die groepsgebiedewette nie ‘n gemengde gehoor mog wees nie, is spesiale vertonings vir die swart en kleurling gemeenskappe gehou en dit is met hierdie opvoerings wat rekord gehore getrek is.
Ses jaar later moes die klub ander huisvesting soek toe die Krige-familie hul plaas verkoop het. Die munisipaliteit was bereid om die ou vervalle skuur/stal wat op daardie stadium nog die eertydse eerste Stellenbosche brandweerwa gehuisves het, op die Bergzicht markplein aan hulle te verhuur en effens op te knap.
In die jare voor 1960 was daar van tyd tot tyd heelwat belangstelling in die amateur teater bedrywighede op Stellenbosch. Veral Charles Johnman en Betty Hugo het in die vyftiger jare produksies gehad wat groot opspraak verwek het. Op 5 April 1960 is die stigtingsvergadering van die Libertas Teater Klub onder leiding van Myrel Ginsburg gehou met Charles Johnman, Piet van Straaten, Myrel Ginsburg en Bobby Ohlsen as bestuurslede. Die komiteelede was Betty Hugo, M. de Villiers, Jane Turner, Marie Malherbe, Prof du P Erlank, mev P. Osler, Jim Allan en mnr Alexander. Die klub se eerste produksie is in die destydse Denne-oord skoolsaal gehou en met die donasies wat hulle by die deur ontvang het die aand, is die klub se eerste bankrekening geopen.
Jean en Willa Krige van Vredelust in Dorpstraat, het goedhartiglik hulle kelder tot die beskikking van die klub gestel. Die lokaal het geen beligting, geen verhoog, geen gordyne, geen stoele of kleedkamers gehad nie en vir hulle eerste produksie op 21 Februarie 1961 in hul nuutgevonde “teater” moes hulle ‘n piepklein verhogie met vier geleende rostrums bou, ‘n paar stoele leen en in die Eikestadnuus adverteer dat die gehoor asseblief hulle eie stoele moet saambring na die vertoning! Die gebrek aan ‘n plafon het die akteurs byna onhoorbaar gelaat onder die sinkdak as dit reën, die sementvloer het die lokaal in ‘n reuse yskas verander in die winter en die gehoor moes koes om die reuse houtstutte wat die dak gestut het. In die foyer (wat ‘n aangrensende skuur was) het plaasimplemente en bale strooi gelê, maar binne die eerste twee jaar was daar ‘n permanente verhoog, stoele wat goedkoop van die Girl Guides aangekoop is, ‘n verhooggordyn wat deur Binnehuis geskenk is, twee reuse wynvate wat as kleedkamers ingerig is en geen houtstutte in die ouditorium nie! Omdat daar as gevolg van die groepsgebiedewette nie ‘n gemengde gehoor mog wees nie, is spesiale vertonings vir die swart en kleurling gemeenskappe gehou en dit is met hierdie opvoerings wat rekord gehore getrek is.
Ses jaar later moes die klub ander huisvesting soek toe die Krige-familie hul plaas verkoop het. Die munisipaliteit was bereid om die ou vervalle skuur/stal wat op daardie stadium nog die eertydse eerste Stellenbosche brandweerwa gehuisves het, op die Bergzicht markplein aan hulle te verhuur en effens op te knap.
Tien jaar na die stigting was die klub reeds so suksesvol dat hulle deur KRUIK genooi is om hul produksie van “Winners” deur Brian Friel en vervaardig deur Marie van Heerden, in die destydse Hofmeyr Teater in Kaapstad op te voer. Johann van Heerden en Sharon Montgomery was die twee akteurs. Die klub se nuusbrief, Ad Lib, het in Februarie 1981 vir die eerste keer verskyn.
Om gemeenskapsprojekte te kan bedryf en finansier is dit sinvol dat die Klein Libertas ook kommersiële produksies akkommodeer. Onder die huidige bestuur is dus besluit om die Klein Libertasteater op verskeie bene te bedryf naamlik amateur-, kommersieel-, jeug- en gemeenskapsteater. Die teater is ook ‘n geregistreerde produksiehuis en stuur produksies regoor die land om aan die kunstefeeste deel te neem. Verskeie toekennings is al vir regie en spel ontvang. Die teater is betrokke by verskeie gemeenskapsprojekte.
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