Grethe Fox

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Grethe Fox (195*-). Actress, director and producer for stage, film and TV.


She is the daughter of the well-known Cape Town architect Revel Fox and the niece of Uys Krige. At one time she was married to the film maker Manie van Rensburg.


She studied at the University of Cape Town Drama Department and attended the Jacques Lecoq School of Mime Movement and Theatre in Paris.


Worked with CAPAB, The Space, PACT and The Market Theatre.

She founded Fox Films with her brothers Revie and Justin in 1994.

Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

Grethe acted at the Space (for a while as Grethe-Maria Fox) in Dance Is, Fallen Angels, Karnaval (Pieter-Dirk Uys, 1975), Occupations, Revenge, Theatre of Silence, Slag and Wooed and Viewed.

She performed in Die Stoele (1970), Die Blindes (1970), August August, August (1970), Dear Antoine (1971), Arme Moordenaar (1974), Vroue van Troje (at the Market Theatre 1976), What the Butler Saw, The Time of the Hyena, The Oresteia, Uncle Vanya, A Doll's House (1990), Titus Andronicus, Dokter teen Wil en Dank, Drie Susters Twee, 'n Man met Vakansie, A Party for Mother, Absurd Person Singular, El Grande de Coca Cola, Die Fisici (1980), So 'n Liefde, Intimate Relations, Trippe Trappe Tone, Oedipus by Ted Hughes, Crime on Goat Island, Hail Wedded Love (1979), Summit Conference, Peer Gynt, The Fantasticks, Die Wind in die Takke van Sassafras (1974), Bedroom Farce, Black Comedy.

Together with Richard Haines she starred in Sweeney Todd, adapted and directed by Robert Whitehead which was staged at Upstairs at the Market in August 1983. She starred in Ibsen’s A Doll's House at Upstairs at the Market in 1990, Children of the Wolf (1997).

Titus Andronicus (Dieter Reible), Arme Marat, Die Belofte van Aleksei Arboesof met Regardt van den Bergh en Eckard Rabe. Die Kersieboord, Boklied. (1998), Drie Susters Twee van Reza de Wet met Marthinus Basson as regiseur. !998.

On the Lake (2001), Die Goue Seun (KKNK, 2002), Breathing In (2004).

She directed Saintly Simplicity at the Chekov Festival in Johannesburg in 2014. Line/The Sugar Plum

Television: Mickey Kannis Caught my Eye Torings, Konings, Onder draai die duiwel rond, Dokter, Dokter.

Awards, etc

Vita national 1991: The Fourth Reich, A Doll’s House

Won Vita (Natal region) 1993: Fox, Grethe as Liz Fourie in `Women in the Wings' [Deon Opperman] (best performance by an actress in a supporting role);

Kry ‘n Avanti-toekenning (1998) vir Onder draai die duiwel rond van Katinka Heyns.


SACD 1977/78; 1978/79.

Tucker, 1997.

Various entries in the NELM catalogue.

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