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VAIL, L. and WHITE, L. 1991. Power and the Praise Poem: South African Voices in History. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.  ??*
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Van Aardes van Grootoor [dramatic criticism]. English in Africa, 6(2): 78-84.
Van Biljon, M. 1983. Uys vir die toekoms. Sarie, 40-43. March 2.
Van Biljon, M. 1985. Haar nuwe projek is Trix se trein. Sarie, 98-99. October 9.
Van Bruggen, Jochem 1939. Met Ampie deur die depressie  Johannesburg :  Voortrekkerpers.  (teks?)
Van Coller, H.P. 1974. (Ander) siening van Siener. Klasgids, 8(4): 37-39. February
Van Coller, H.P. 1976. Nasionale element in die skeppingswerk van N.P. van Wyk Louw. Theoria, 47: 57-76.
Van Coller, H.P. 1984. Spel en spieël: ‘n herwaardering van die dramas van P.G. du Plessis. In  Malan, Charles (ed.) Spel en spieël. Besprekings van die moderne Afrikaanse drama en teater. Johannesburg: Perskor. p. 23-35.
Van Coller, H.P. 1988. Die potlooddief en die engel deur A.S. van Straaten. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 2(1): 72-74.
Van Coller, H.P. 1993. Onderhoud met dramaturg Pieter Fourie. Dolos, 16(2): 1-7.
Van Coller, H.P. 2006. Tendense in die Afrikaanse drama en teaterwereld : 'n bestekopname (met verwysing na enkele Sanlamprysfinaliste) Stilet, 18(1): 69-89.
Van Coller, Hennie & Van Jaarsveld, Anthea 2007. Vergenoeg: George Weiweman as dramaturg (deel 1): vroeë dramatiese werke van George Weideman. South African theatre journal, 21: 328-342.   
Van Coller, Hennie & Van Jaarsveld, Anthea 2008. Vergenoeg: George Weideman as dramaturg (deel 2). South African theatre journal, 22: 150-165.
VAN DE KOCK, **. 19** Muse in bondage **??
VAN DE KOCK, **. 19**. By Strength of Heart.  ***??
De Kock, Dorothea Maria 1987. Drama-in-die-onderwys as onderwysstrategie Pretoria: Universiteit van Pretoria. (MA thesis).
Van den Bergh, R. 1980. Director and his actors. Teaterforum, 1(1): 65-72.
Van der Berg, W. 1952. N.T.O. begin eersdaags met sy feesdramas: boeiende stuk van de Klerk en lewendige blyspel van Beukes word aangebied. Huisgenoot, 36(1564): 29-31. March 14.
Van der Byl, E. 1950. We actors had our laughs too. Outspan, 47(1212): 41. May 19.
Van der Hoven, Eghard 1977. The Performing Arts Councils and their future. Scenaria, June/July: 18-19.
Van der Hoven, Eghard 1985. Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Uitvoerende Kunste (1963-1983) ["The Performing Arts Council of the Transvaal"] . In Hauptfleisch, Temple (ed.). The Breytie book: a collection of articles on South African theatre dedicated to P.P.B. Breytenbach. Johannesburg: The Limelight press. p. 83-86.
Van der Hoven E. 1985. Truk is mondig ! Lantern,  34(1) : 69-80.
Van der M., H.A. 1946. Voorloper van ons beroepstoneel. [Louis de Vriendt]. Brandwag, 10(438) : 15. August 9.
Van der Merwe, A.J. 1964. Unie
Van der Merwe, C.N. (Chris?)
Van der Merwe, Catrien. 1991. Tema en satire in Die keiser van Bartho Smit. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 29(1): 119-124.
Van der Merwe, C.N. 1984. Die Christelike en die tragiese in Germanicus en Die val van ‘n regvaardige man. In: Malan, Charles (ed.) Spel en spieël :  besprekings van die moderne Afrikaanse drama en teater.  Johannesburg: Perskor. p. 125-136.
Van der Merwe, J. 1966. Moontlike benaderings in verband met die aanbieding van die drama vir hoërskoolleerlinge. Alpha, 4(1)-(3); 4(7).
Van der Merwe, J.Nel 1951. Waarheen met toneel en rolprent? Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 1(3): 80-83.
Van der Merwe, J.Nel 1956. Toneelkroniek. Helikon, 6(23): 33-41. March.
Van der Merwe, J.N. 1967. Ly of lei? Die taalgenoot, 36(4): 20. March.
Van der Merwe, J.N. 1968. Gordyne oop! Kan die toneel leersaam wees? Die taalgenoot, 37(3): 19.
Van der Merwe, K. 1975. Hy laat ons skater – al dertig jaar. [Al Debbo]. Huisgenoot, 48-55. November 7.
Van der Merwe, K. 1978. Man van vele gesigte en één vrou. [Marius Weyers]. Sarie, 29(26): 24-28. June 28.
Van der Poll, J.D.P. 1982. Structural analysis of the Southern Sotho drama Senkatana by S.M. Mofokeng. South African journal of African languages, 2(1): 50-125.
Van der Poll, J.P.D. 1986. A historical overview and critical evaluation of published Sesotho dramas . South African journal of African Llnguages/Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir  Afrikatale (SAJAL) 6 (1): 25-100.
Van der Vyver, Abraham G. & Du Plooy-Cilliers, Franzél  2006. The social dynamics of arts festivals: a comparative analysis of the KKNK and the Grahamstown National Arts Festival. South African theatre journal, 20: 192-203.
Van der Waal, Gergard-Mark 1987. Voetligte in Johannesburg: teaterbou tydens die stad se eerste halfeeu. South African theatre journal,  1(1): 17-44.
Van der Walt, T. 1980. Tableau vivant as tegniek by letterkundige onderrig. Tydskrif vir taalonderrig, 14(4): 5-12.
Van der Walt, Judy. 2001. Fugard finds his voice in the new South Africa. In: Sunday Independent, August 19, 2001: 10.
Van der Walt, P. D. 1971. Dramakroniek. Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 11:57-61. Maart.
Van der Walt, Terry. 1995. Shortie’s last stand. In: Sunday Tribune, April 30, 1995: 19.
Van der Westhuizen, P.C. 1995. Selfrefleksiwiteit in die (post)modernisitiese drama/teater. Pretoria: UNISA. (MA-tesis.)
Van Deventer, Susanne 1989. Die glasdeur van Henriëtte Grové. Klasgids, 24(4): 47-53.
Van Eeden, D. & Marais, T. 1981. [Cape performing arts board]. Scenaria, (24): 25-26.
Van Eeden, Danie 1985. Die Kaaplandse Raad vir die Uitvoerende Kunste  (1963-1983) ["The Cape Performing Arts Board"] en die Nico Malan-skouburg. In Hauptfleisch, Temple (ed.). The Breytie book: a collection of articles on South African theatre dedicated to P.P.B. Breytenbach. Johannesburg: The Limelight press. p. 91-96.
Van Eeden, J. 1987. The monastery months. Crux, 21(1): 22-25.
Van Eyssen, W.F. 1971. Mecca for the muse. South African panorama, 16(8): 1-5. August.
VAN GRAAN, MIKE AND DU PLESSIS, NICKY. 1998. The South African Handbook on Arts and Culture 1998. Cape Town: Article 27 Arts and Culture Consultants.
Van Graan, Mike. 1996. Pasop vir politieke korrektheid. In: Volksblad, November 13, 1996: 10.
Van Graan, M. & Du Plessis, N. 1998. The South African Handbook on Arts and Culture 1998. Cape Town: Article 27 Arts and Culture Consultants.
Van Graan, Mike. 2001. The shows must go on. In: Sunday Times, June 10, 2001: 19.
Van Graan, Mike. 2004. Looking in, watching out. In: Weekly Mail & Guardian, April 29, 2004: 4.
Van Graan, Mike 2006. From protest theatre to the theatre of conformity. South African theatre journal,  20: 276- 288.
Van Gyseghem, Andre 1938. South Africa: a mine for dramatics. Theatre arts, 22(4): 294-302.
Van Heerden, J. 1972. Teatertegniek: agter die skerms. Sigma, 25-29.
Van Heerden, Jean 1978 Observatory Theatre, Bloemfontein.  Scenaria, (8) : 13.
Van Heerden, Johann 1984. Teaterskepper: dramaturg of regisseur? Standpunte, 37(4): 18-25.
Van Heerden, J. 1988. Diepe grond, deur Reza de Wet. Reviewed in:  South African theatre journal,  2(1):81-84.
Van Heerden, J. 1988. Onderhoud met ’n bobbejaan, deur T.T. Cloete. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 2(1):78-80.
Van Heerden, J. 2008. Theatre in a new democracy. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch. (D Phil dissertation.)
Van Heyningen, Christina 1961. Manson. Contrast, 1(4): 71-82.
Van Heyningen, Christina 1969. Contemporary theatre. Theoria, 32:25-37. March.
Van Heyningen, Christina  1970a. Great playwright  [H.W.D. Manson]. Standpunte, 23(6): 11-20.
Van Heyningen, Christina  1970b. H.W.D. Manson’s The counsellors. Standpunte, 24(1): 26-43.
Van Heyningen, Christina 1970c. Remembering ‘Cake’ Manson. Contrast, 6(4): 44-48.
Van Heyningen, Christine 1970.  Great playwright. [bespreking]. Standpunte, 24(2): 14-17. December.
Van Heyningen, Christine 1971. Manson’s first play [Fight at Finnsburgh] and his last [Magnus]. Standpunte,  24(5): 46-57. June.
Van Heyningen, Christine 1971. Manson’s The festival. Standpunte, 24(4): 48-57. April.
Van Heyningen, Christine 1971. New work by Manson [Karl Gunter Hoffmann]. Theoria, 37: 45-49. October.
Van Heyningen, Christine 1971. H.W.D. Manson: poet and playwright, and his connections with Natal. Natalia, 1(1): 23-25. September.
Van Heyningen, Christine 1973. Misunderstandings of Manson’s plays. Theoria, 40: 41-53. May.
Van Houte, Nan 1994. Over eilandbewoners en bruggenbouwers. Theater in het nieuwe Zuid-Afrika. (On islanders and bridge builders: theatre in the new South Africa). Toneel teatraal, 115(8): 29-34.
Van Huysteen, M.B. 1988. Die toepaslikheid van dramabenaderings in maatskaplike werk. Social work, 24(4): 273-280. October.
Van Niekerk, A.F. 1976. Poppespel as opvoedkundige medium. Unie, 72: 323-326. Februarie.
Van Niekerk, D.E. 1997. 'n Kwalitatiewe evaluasie van 'n gehoor se resepsie met betrekking tot simboliek tydens 'n toneelopvoering van Tennessee Williams se A streetcar named Desire. Bloemfontein: Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat. (MA (Drama- en Toneelkunde)-tesis.)
VAN NIEKERK, NIEL. 2001. The problematics of qualitative research in theatre. South African theatre journal, 15:135-148.
Van Oosten, Kalinka 1993. Interview with Christopher Goetsch. South African theatre journal, 7(1): 79-87.
Van Pletsen, D. 1973. Decade. South African panorama, 18(8): 40-45. August.
Van Pletsen, J. 2003. Learning by doing : using drama-in-education as a teaching methodology in the language, literacy and communication learning area of outcomes-based education, at the Senior Phase of Curriculum 2005 in KwaZulu-Natal. Durban : University of Natal. (MA thesis).
Van Pletzen, Pierre 1989. Afrikaans drama – cornerstone or tombstone ? Part I. Introductory speech, translated. Scenaria, (101) : 20-23.
Van Rensburg, Cas 1989. Die Grahamstadse Fees : krisisse, skandale en vreugdes ! Insig, Augustus : 48-50.
Van Rensburg, Cas 1996. Die verlore seun kom tuis. Insig, 05/96: 24.
Van Rensburg, Cas 1998.  As die dolosse praat...  Insig, 05/98: 27.
Van Rensburg, Cas 1998a.  Oorwinning en afskeid vir Chris.  Insig, 04/98: 33.
Van Rensburg, Cas & Hofmeyr, Harry. 1998.  Die sondes van die vaders. Insig, 07/98: 22.
Van Rensburg, F.C J. 1984. Actor training : an academic methodology of role study. Teaterforum, 5(2) : 33-42.
Van Rensburg, J. 1952. Volksteater presteer. Staatsamptenaar, 32(7): 32-34.
Van Rensburg, P. 1981. Lifeview and perception of message in drama. Literator, 2(2): 35-49.
Van Rensburg, P.C.J. 1980. Teater as religie – ‘n bibliografie. Teaterforum, 1(1): 73-79.
Van Rensburg, P.C.J. 1981. Christian outlook on theatre at the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. Teaterforum, 2(1): 77-80.
Van Rensburg, P.C.J. 1981. Lifeview and perception of message in drama. Koers, 46(2): 164-182.
Van Rensburg, P.C.J. 1982. Lewensbeskoulike boodskappersepsie in die toneel. Teaterforum, 3(1): 73-90.
Van Rensburg, P. 1981. Lifeview and perception of message in drama. Literator, 2(2): 35-49.
VAN ROOYEN, F. "Die Ontstaan en Groei van die Afrikaanse Toneel" ("The birth and growth of the Afrikaans theatre")  in programme of the play Erfsonde by **, produced by Hendrik Hanekom and Co. ** in 1937. (See Binge, 1969, p105).
Van Ryswyk, E. 1978a. Spraak en drama in die primêre skool. Unie, 74(11): 369-373. May.
Van Ryswyk, E. 1978b.  Spraak en drama in die primêre skool. Unie, 75(3): 105, 107-111. September.
Van Ryswyk, Esther 1984. From there to here – a personal perspective on drama and theatre in South Africa. SAADYT Journal, 6(1): 9-18.
Van Schalkwyk, S. 2009. As you like it, Geoff Hyland: theatre review. Shakespeare in Southern Africa, 21(1): 84-87.
Van Schoor, A.M. et al. (eds.) 1962 André Huguenet. Johannesburg: Afrikaanse Pers Boekhandel.
VAN SCHOOR, J.  1983.  “Engelen, Fred (Alfred) toneelleider, regisseur en acteur. In:  Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek.  Brussel:  Koninklijke Adademien van België, Paleis der Adademiën.
Van Vuuren, Helize. 1998. Die “long walk to understanding”: ‘n Leesstrategie vir Breyten Breytenbach se Boklied. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde. xxxvi/4: 44.
Van Wyk, Elise 1994. Van die banke op die planke / samesteller: Elise van
                          Wyk ; [illustrasies deur Friedel Eloff]. Pretoria : Out of Africa Publishers
Van Wyk, H. 1957. André Huguenet. Huisgenoot, 40(1833): 19-21. March 6.
Van Wyk, Johan 1989a. The father in two Afrikaner nationalist plays by J.F.W. Grosskopf. Journal of literary studies, 5(1): 28-45.
Van Wyk, Johan 1989b. Klassestryd in H.A. Fagan se Die nuwe wêreld. Stilet, 1: 1-12.
Van Wyk, J. 1994. Inleiding tot die dramasemiologie. Karring, 9(7): 24-29.
Van Wyk, R. 2005. Teaching comprehension strategies during reading instruction: using drama techniques. Perspectives in education, 23(2): 113-117.
Van Wyk Smith M. 2001. Africa as Renaissance Grotesque: John Skelton's 1485 Version of Diodorus Siculus. Shakespeare in Southern Africa, 13:23.
Van Zyl, A. 2004. The Eco-Warrior Programme and the environmental education curriculum: Conservation Leadership Group. Endangered wildlife, 11(47): 39.
Van Zyl, Ciná & Queiros, Dorothy 2009. Situational inhibitors preventing attendance at three selected arts festivals in South Africa. South African theatre journal, 23: 23-52.
Van Zyl, I. & Hamman, P. 1983. Seemananalise as hulpmiddel by die onderrig van die drama. Klasgids, 18(2): 67-78.
Van Zyl, Irna. 2000.  Getoor, getwarra met woorde!  Insig , 05/00: 16.
Van Zyl, Johan 1997.  Afrikaners en andere: Die Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees – Oudtshoorn 29 Maart – 5 April 1997. South African theatre journal,  11: 216-225.
Van Zyl Smit, B. 1983. Dramatic treatment of the Medea myth – Corneille’s debt to Euripides and Seneca. Akroterion, 28: 131-139.
Van Zyl Smit, B. (2003) ‘The reception of Greek tragedy in the “old” and the “new” South Africa’. Akroterion, vol. 48
Van Zyl, J. 1978. Semiotic rules, O.K.? Speak, 1(3): 27-28. May-June.
VAN ZYL, JOHAN. 1989.  Film adaptation as an interpretation of a play:  The case of Look Back in Anger. South African theatre journal, 3(2):4-18.
VAN ZYL, JOHAN. 1997. Afrikaners en Andere:  Die 1997 Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees. South African theatre journal, 11(1&2):216-225.
Van Zyl, Wium 1989. Drie susters en die problematiek van menswees. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 27(3): 102-113. (Chekov of de Wet?)
Van Zyl, Wium. 1999. Mannetjies Mentz lieg op voortreflike wyse ‘n skokkende waarheid. In: Die Burger, October 4, 1999: 11.
Van Zyl, Y. 2008. Hoekom drama? ‘n Ondersoek na enkele persepsies van drama en drama-opleiding aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch. (M Dram-tesis.)
Van Zyl Smit, B. 2007. A South African Medea at the start of the 21st century. Akroterion, 52: 1-10.
Vandenbroucke, Russell 1976. South African blacksploitation.. Yale theatre, 8(1): 78-81.
VANDENBROUCKE, Russell. 1977-78. **** Theatre Quarterly VII/28
Vandenbroucke, Russell 1978. A brief chronology of the theatre in South Africa. Theatre quarterly, 7(28): 44-46.
VANDENBROUCKE, RUSSELL. 1978. A selected bibliography of the South African theatre, Theatre Quarterly. 7(28): 94-95.
Vandenbroucke, Russell 1978. Chiaroscuro: a portrait of the South African theatre. Theatre quarterly, 7(28): 46-54.
Vandenbroucke, Russell1986. Truths the hand can touch: the theatre of Athol Fugard. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.
Vandenbroucke, Russell 2003. From the ashes, a new South Africa: reflections of a nation’s metamorphosis in a giant festival of arts (postmark Grahamstown). American theatre, 20(8): 109-115.
Vanne, Marda 1941a. Nothing venture (ventured?) [Ffrangcon-Davies-Marda Vanne company]. Outspan. 30(773): 15-17. December 19.
Vanne, Marda 1941b. Theatre can play a vital part in South Africa’s development. Outspan. 25(754): 27-31. August 8.
Variety in college plays. 1969. Fiat lux, 4(8): 20-22.
Vaughan, R. 1977. Aantekeninge by Pavane [deur André P. Brink]. [Literary criticism]. Standpunte, 30(1): 45-51. February.
Veeremans,R. 1952. Zuid-Afrikaanse kunstenares in Vlaanderen: de kunst van mevrouw Anna Neethling-Pohl. Helikon, 2(7): 44-54.
Veldsman, Morea Clarice 1958. Theatre in South Africa: a bibliography. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, School for Librarianship.
Venables, Michael 1978. Theatrical and practical [Baxter theatre]. Scenaria, December/ January: 23.
Venter, E.A. 1950. Dramatiese kuns in die Transvaalse skole. Onderwysblad, 54(610): 24-26. Augustus.
Venter, L.S. 1985. Narratiewe ruimtes. Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 25 : 19-29.
Venter, L.S. 1985. Ruimte as epiese kategorie. Tydskrif vir literatuurwetenskap. 1(1) : 91-92.
Venter, P.A. 2008. 'n Kritiese ondersoek na die stand van Afrikaanse professionele jeugteater in Suid-Afrika na 1994. Bloemfontein: UOVS. (PhD thesis).
Venter, P.C. 1974. Richard Loring does it his way. Personality, 76-79. October 18.
Venter, S.M. 1983. Make-up artist. My career, 34: 41-44.
Venter, S.M. 1986. Theatre technician. My career, 37(3) : 305-308.
Verdal, Garth. 1996. Baxter in line for state subsidy. In: The Star, August 29, 1996: 19.
Verhagen, Balthazar. 1942. Skyn en werklikheid van die toneel. Huisgenoot. 27(1079): 23. November 27.
Vereeniging, vereniging, deur P.G. du Plessis : boekbespreking. 1986. Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 26(3) : 220-222.
Verhagen, Balthazar. 1943. Toneel en rolprent. Huisgenoot, 27(1097): 13. April 2.
Verheyen, A. 1954. Adam en Eva kom kaal op die verhoog: baanbrekers van die Afrikaanse toneel. Huisgenoot, 39(1705): 71-79. November 26.
Vermeulen, H.J. 1975. Tekstuele analise van Chris Barnard se Pa maak vir my ‘n vlieër Pa. [Literary criticism]. Standpunte, 28(5): 45-57. June.
VERMEULEN, E. 1971. Die Pretoriase Operagebou: 'n Terugblik op 'n gedenkwaardige verlede. In: Ars Nova 3(2): 1-15.
Vermeulen, H.J. 1992. Die spel van die falliese, kastratiewe en farmakoniese in Pieter Fourie se Die koggelaar. Tydskrif vir literatuurwetenskap, 8(1/2): 22-32.
Verskriklik geëerd! [Spelers in “Altyd my liefste”] Brandwag 11(540):27. February 6.
Verwerking van die geskiedenis in Dias deur N.P. van Wyk Louw: ‚n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief. 1988. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 26(2): 39-48.
Veterane van die Afrikaanse verhoog vertel: van swiermotors na mossiebredie. 1964. Brandwag, 28(3): 30-31.
VEZI, Ntonto. 2000. A Comparative Study of Three South African Playwrights. (Profiles of Jerry Pooe, Mbongeni Ngema and Sisho Maphisa) Unpublished Draft Project Report: Asoka Theatre Profiles, UDW/ University of Stellenbosch Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies
VEZI, NTONTO. 2000. A Comparative Study of Three South African Playwrights. (Profiles of Jerry Pooe, Mbongeni Ngema and Sisho Maphisa) Unpublished Draft Project Report: Asoka Theatre Profiles, UDW/ University of Stellenbosch Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies
VILAKAZI, B.W. 1942. Some Aspects of Zulu Literature. In: African Studies 1/4 :270-274.
Viljoen, M. 1975. Poppeteater uit ‘n motorhuis. Rooi rose, 31(28) : 78-80. August 20.
Viljoen, Neil  1989. Shakespeare’s The tempest and Martin Versfeld’s Comments on a rapist society. English Academy review, 5 : 116-132.
Viljoen SERPIERI, ALESSANDRO.  On the Language of Drama (Louise) South African Theatre Journal, Vol.    5(2):104-107
VINASSA, ANDREA. 1991. Cultural boycott comes to the vote. Interview with Mike van Graan. Vrye Weekblad. 19 April 1991.
VINASSA, ANDREA. 1991. Weg met die kunsterade. Vrye Weekblad. 26 April 1991.
VINASSA, ANDREA. 1991. When I can fight for my ideas I am in my element, Interview with Mongane Wally Serote. Vrye Weekblad. 10 Mei 1991.
Virginia: Scenaria interviews Sandra Duncan. 1983. Scenaria, 5(35): 9-11.
Visser, J & Terblanche, R. 2006. Matsulu: a community in developmental fermentation and fusion. The journal for transdisciplinary research in Southern Africa, 2(2): 391-408.
VISSER, NICK. & COUZENS, TIM. 1985. Introduction to H.I.E. Dhlomo: Collected Works. Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
VISSER, NICK. 1974. H.I.E. Dhlomo (1903-1956): the re-emergence of an African Writer. English in Africa. I, No. 2 (1974).
Visser, R.P. 1956. Afrikaanse toneel. Helikon, 6(26): 23-27.
Viviers, A. 1978. Beukes se bydrae tot die teorie van die drama. Acta academica B, 11: 23-35.
Viviers, A.C. 1983. Dias (N.P. van Wyk Louw). Klasgids, 18(3): 52-61.
Viviers, A.C. 1985. Gebruik van prosa en vers in Die laaste aand. Klasgids,  20(3) : 38-45.
  vom 17. zum 20. Jahrhundert: Interkulturelle Beziehungen in Geschichte und
Volatile Huguenet [acting in Ampie]. 1941.  Forum. 3(52): 5.
Volksteater vier sy tiende verjaardag. 1945. Huisgenoot, 30(1224): 3. September 7.
Von Brisinski, Marek Spitczok. 2003. Rethinking Community Theatre: Performing arts communities in post-apartheid South Africa. South African theatre journal, 17:114-128.
Von der Decken, J. 1984. Merrythoughts concert party. Coelacanth, 22(1): 37-38.
Vongai C. MBONGENI NGEMA. Essence (Essence) [serial online]. November
Von Grünewaldt, H.M. 1959. Puppets and puppetry. Lantern, 9: 177-183.
Von Kotze, Astrid 1984. Workshop plays as worker education. South African labour bulletin 9(8): 92-111.
Von Kotze, Astrid 1985. Workers’ plays in South Africa. Communications from the Brecht Society, 15(1) : 3-16.
Von Kotze, Astrid 1988. Organise and act. The Natal Workers Theatre Movement 1983-1987. Durban: Culture and Working Life Publications.
Von Kotze, Astrid 1989. First World Industry and Third World Workers: The Struggle for Workers’ Theater in South Africa. In: Brecht Yearbook 14:157-167.
Vorster, A. 2009. Tienertoneel se sterre vandag: toneeltalent: ATKV. Taalgenoot, 42-44. March.
Vorster, Chris. 1998.  Dis die blond, dis die blou. Insig, 04/98: 32.
Vorster, Chris 1999. Regietendense onder vyftien vooraanstaande Suid-Afrikaanse regisseurs  Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch. (M. Dram. Thesis).
Vosloo, A.C. 1954. Open air theatres: Vaal river at Vereeniging. Park administration,, 6:69-70.
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