Plaston: DNS-Kind

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Plaston: DNS-Kind ("Plaston: DNS Child") is a 1973 Afrikaans drama by P.G. du Plessis (1934-2017) .

Often referred to as Plaston only in various sources.

The original text

Written in the years of excited speculation before the first successful in vitro birth in 1978, this is a futurist play about a literal "test tube baby". A child that has been artificially created and raised in a laboratory, with no inherited human qualities, but who has been artificially programmed with social, emotional and other qualities of life. The play deals with the experiment of releasing the child into society as an adult.

The text published by Tafelberg, 1973.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1974: Staged by TRUK Toneel in the Breytenbach Theatre, directed by Francois Swart, with Eckard Rabe (Plaston), Louis van Niekerk (Professor), Marko van der Colff (Dr. Ganske), Don Lamprecht (Jan Smal), David van der Merwe (Oom Kapp), Cobus Visser (Joon), Tobie Cronje (Julius Pos), Marius Weyers (Lubbe), Annette Engelbrecht (Let), Annelisa Weiland (Kotie), Jan Engelen (Eerwaarde Genopen), Sandra Prinsloo (Saar), Zack du Plessis (Invaller) and Andre Laubscher (Invaller). Decor by Richard Cook, lighting by Mannie Manim and costumes by Frances Michaletos.

1981: Presented by SUKOVS Toneel at the Bloemfontein Civic Theatre in September, directed by Cobus Rossouw starring Richard van der Westhuizen (by arrangement with PACT) as Plaston, Siegfried Mynhardt (Professor), Alva de Klerk (Dr. Ganske), Dawie Maritz (Jan Smal), Eddie Schmidt (Oom Kapp), Hugo Taljaard (Joon), Henry Mylne (Julius Pos), Pieter Brand (Lubbe), Francesca Bantock (Let), Ronel Kriel (Kotie), Louw Verwey (Eerwaarde Genopen), Libby Daniels (Saar). Decor design by Christopher Lorentz, lighting by Brian Evans, costumes co-ordinated by James Parker. Stage management by Colleen Emmenis and Zelda van Rooyen.

19**: Staged by SWAPAC, starring Jacques Loots.


PACT theatre programme 1974.

PACOFS Drama 25 Years, 1963-1988.

PACOFS theatre programme 1981.

Robert Mohr. 1974. "Weer eens 'n nuwe verkenning" in Die Burger, 7 March 1974.

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