ESAT Foreign plays Je-Joz

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Je veux voir Mioussov (Katayev/Dalmat)

Jealous Wife, The (Colman the Elder)

Jean-Marie (Theuriet)

Jean-Pierre-Diogenes, of L'Orateur dans un Tonneau (Anon)

Jeanie Deans (Boucicault) See The Heart of Midlothian

Jeanie Deans, or The Heart of Midlothian (Boucicault) See The Heart of Midlothian

Jeeves Takes Charge (Wodehouse/Duke)

Jenny Lind (various authors)

Jenny Lind at Last, or The Swedish Nightingale (Reach) See Jenny Lind

Jenny Lind, or The North Star (Addington) See Jenny Lind


Jeppe of the Hill (Holberg)See Jeppe på Bjerget

Jeppe på Bjerget (Holberg)

Jérome Pointu (Beaunoir)

Jerry's Girls

Jersey Boys

Jest a Second

Jesus Christ Superstar

Jeu de l’Amour et du Hasard, Le (Marivaux)

Jeugd van Hendrik den Vyfde (Duval) See La Jeunesse de Henri V

Jeugdige van Hart, Die (Williams/Elferink) See The Light of Heart

Jeune Fille à Marier, La (Ionesco)

Jeunesse de Henri V, La (Duval)

Jew of Venice, The See The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare).

Jew and the Doctor, The (Dibdin)

Jeweller of St James, The (Suter/De Saint-Georges and De Leuven) See Lady Melvil, ou Le Joaillier de Saint-James

Jews of Hodos, The

Jews of Madrid, The (Anon)

Jilt, The (Boucicault)

Jim the Penman (Young)

Joan of Lorraine

Jocasta Rising

Jochem Uilenspiegel (Broekhoff) See Joost Uilenspiegel

Jockey Club Stakes, The

Jocrisse Changé de Condition (Dorvigny)

Jocrisse Corrigé ou La Journeé aux Accidans (Sewrin)

Jocrisse in Eenen Nieuwe Dienst (Dorvigny) See Jocrisse Changé de Condition

Jocrisse-maître et Jocrisse-valet (Sewrin). See The Two Gregories, or "Where Did the Money Come From?" (Dibdin)

Jodin, De (Halevy/Scribe/Hempel) See La Juive

Joe Masiell Not at the Palace

Joey Grimaldi's Trip to Brentford (W.F.H. Parker)

Johan de Witt, Raadpensionaris van Holland (Loosjes)

Johannisfeuer (Sudermann)

John Allman (Anon)

John Bull, or an Englishman's Fireside (Colman Jr.)

John Dobbs (Morton)

John Ferguson

John Jones (Buckstone)

John of Paris (Pocock)

John Overy, the Miser of Southwark Ferry (Jerrold)

John Thomas (Wood)

John Wopps, or "From Information I Received" (Suter)

Johnny Belinda

Johnson Over Jordan

Joint Owners in Spain

Jolly Miller, The

Jonge Filosoof, of De Grilligheden van de Fortuin, De (Tréogate)

Jonge Kunstskilder, De

Jonkvrou Edelwater

Jood en De Christen, De, of De Gevolgen der Lichtzinnigheid (Shakespeare)

Joost Uilenspiegel (Broekhoff)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Webber and Rice)

Joseph, haven't you got your bicycle yet?

Josephine, the Child of the Regiment, or The Fortune of War (Buckstone)

Jour du Fête, Le, ou Le Pouvoir de la Bienfaisance (Anon)

Journalisten, Die (Freytag)

Journey's End

Jours Heureux, Les

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