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[[Piet se Tante]]
[[Piet se Tante]]
[[The Pilot, or A Storm at Sea|Pilot, or A Storm at Sea, The]]  '''See [[The Pilot, or a Tale of the Sea]]'''
[[The Pilot, or a Tale of the Sea|Pilot, or a Tale of the Sea, The]] (Fitzball/Cooper)

Revision as of 16:50, 9 June 2014

Pack of Lies

Pageant of Great Women, The

Paix chez soi, La


Papegay, Die

Paquebot Tenacity, Le

Pardon Monsieur

Park, Der



Patrick Pearse Motel

Paul Pry

Payment Deferred

Peculier Position, A (Scribe & Bayard/Planché)

Peer Gynt

Pelléas and Mélisande

Penny Plain

People Never, The

Perchance to Dream

Perect Alibi, The

Perfect Party, The

Peril at End House

Perruche Et Le Poulet, La


Peter Pan

Petit Matelot, Le, ou Le Mariage Impromptu (Pigault Lebrun)

Petrified Forest, The

Phenomenon in a Smock Frock, A (Brough)

Philadelphia Story, The

Phillip Hotz's Fury

Phillipa Comes Back

Phoenix too Frequent, A

Physicists, The

Piano Lesson, The

Pick-up Girl

Picnic on the Battlefield

Pierrots at Versailles, The

Piet se Tante

Pilot, or A Storm at Sea, The See The Pilot, or a Tale of the Sea

Pilot, or a Tale of the Sea, The (Fitzball/Cooper)



Pirates of Penzance

Plague of Innocence

Play it again, Sam

Playboy of the Western World, The

Playing with Fire

Play's the Thing, The

Pleasure and Repentance

Pleasure Garden, The

Point of Honour, The (Kemble)

Polander (W.F.H. Parker)

Poor Gentleman, The (Colman, Jr)

Poor Murderer

Poor Soldier, The (O'Keeffe)


Poppehuis, Die

Post Mortem

Present Laughter

Précieuses ridicules, Les (Molière)

The Pretentious Young Ladies (Molière )

Price, The

Prisoner, The

Prisoner at Large, The (O'Keefe)

Prisoner of Second Avenue, The

Private Ear, The

Private Lives

Private Secretary, The

Privy Council, A

Prodigal Son, The

Professor Poffel en Professor Moffel

Promise, The

Proposal, The

P.S. Your Cat is Dead!

Public Eye, The

Pump Boys and Dinettes


Pyjama Tops

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