ESAT Bibliography Kru-Kz

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Return to A Bibliography of South African South African Theatre and Performance

Kruger, Alet 2000. Lexical cohesion and register variation in translation : The merchant of Venice in Afrikaans. Pretoria: University of South Africa. (D.Litt. et Phil. thesis).

Kruger, Alet 2004. The role of discoursce markers in an Afrikaans stage translation of The merchant of Venice. Journal of literary studies, 20(3-4): 302-334.

Krueger, Anton 2003. The drama of hunting and healing: interpreting the rituals of the San. South African Theatre Journal, 17: 65-78.

Krueger, Anton 2006a. Intuition/intellect: sex/sensibility. South African Theatre Journal, 20: 233-251.

Krueger, Anton 2006b. On the wild, essential energies of the forest: an interview with Brett Bailey. South African Theatre Journal, 20: 323-332.

Krueger, Anton 2007. Performing transformations of identity: ‘ethnic’ nationalisms and syncretic theatre in post-apatheid South Africa. English Academy review, 24(1): 51-60.

Krueger, Anton 2008. Experiments in freedom : representations of identity in new South African drama ; an investigation into identity formations in some post-apartheid play-texts published in English by South African writers, from 1994-2007. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Pretoria: University of Pretoria.

Krueger, Anton 2010. In freedom: explorations of identity in new South African drama. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Pub

Kruger, C. et al. 2005. Communication skills for medical/dental students at the University of Pretoria: lessons learnt from a two-year study using a forum theatre method: original research. S.A. family practice, 47(6): 60-65.

Krüger, J.A. 2009. The Cherry Orchard transposed to contemporary South Africa: space and identity in cultural contexts. Potchefstroom: PU vir CHO. (MA-thesis)

Kruger, J.J. 1948. Anna van die amateurs. [Anna Neethling-Pohl]. Huisgenoot, 32(1368): 29. June 11.

Kruger, Jaco. 2000. Mitambo: Venda dance theatre. South African Theatre Journal, 14: 73-96.

Kruger, Johanna Martiena Katriena 1982. Die “Hoër mag” in die drama met spesiale verwysing na Nederlands en Afrikaans. Johannesburg: Universiteit van die Witwatersrand. (M.A. thesis).

KRUGER, LOREN. 1991. Apartheid on Display: South Africa Performes for New York. Diaspora 1/2: 191-208.

Kruger, Loren 1991. Apartheid on display: South Africa performs for New York. Diaspora 1(2):191-208.

Kruger, Loren 1994. So what’s new?: women and theater in the new South Africa. Theater magazine, 25(3):46-54.

Kruger, Loren 1995a. National Arts Festival. Theatre Journal, 47(1): 123-

Kruger, Loren 1995b. New Africans, neo-colonial theatre and “an African national dramatic movement”. South African Theatre Journal, 9(1):29-51.

Kruger, Loren 1995c. ‘That fluctuating movement of national consciousness’: protest, publicity, and post-colonial theatre in South Africa. In: Gainor, J. Ellen (ed.). Imperialism and theatre. London: Routledge. 148-163.

Kruger, Loren 1995d. The uses of nostalgia: drama, history and liminal moments in South Africa. Modern Drama, 38(1):60-70.

Kruger, Loren 1996a. Acting Africa. Theatre Research International, 21(2):132-140.

Kruger, Loren 1996b. New African drama and national representation in South Africa: notes from the 1930s to the present moment. In Reinelt, Janelle (ed.) Crucibles of crisis: performing social change. Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan Press. 123-141.

Kruger, Loren 1997a. An die Nachgeborenen (to future generations). Theater der Zeit, 1997 Yearbook: 25-27.

Kruger, Loren 1997b. The drama of country and city: tribalization, urbanization and theatre under apartheid. Journal of Southern African studies, 23(4): 565.

Kruger, Loren 1999a. The drama of South Africa: plays, pageants and publics since 1910. London: Routledge.

Kruger, Loren 1999b. Theater for development and TV nation: notes on an educational soap opera in South Africa. Research in African literatures, 30:106-126.

Kruger, Loren 1999c. Theatre and society in South Africa: reflections in a fractured mirror, by Temple Hauptfleisch; Decolonizing the stage: theatrical syncretism and post-colonial drama, by Christopher B. Balme. Reviewed in: Research in African Literatures, 30(4):212-215.

Kruger, Loren 2001. Theatre, crime and the edgy city in post-apartheid Johannesburg. Theatre journal, 53(2): 223-252.

Kruger, Loren 2002. Acting Africa. In Harding, Frances (ed). The performance arts in Africa: a reader. London: Routledge. p. 29-77.

Kruger, Loren. 2002 "Introduction: Scarcity, Conspicuous Consumption, and Performance in South Africa." Theatre Research International 27(3): 231.

Kruger, Loren 2003. Making sense of sensation: enlightenment, embodiment, and the end(s) of modern drama. Modern Drama, 46:80-101

Kruger. Loren 2004. Theatre for development and TV nation: notes on educational soap opera in South Africa. In Conteh-Morgan, John & Olaniyan, Tejumola (eds). African drama and performance. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. p. 155-175.

Kruger, Loren 2007. „White cities,“ „diamond Zulus,“ and the „African contribution to human advancement“: African modernities and the world’s fairs. TDR, 51(3): 19-45.

Kruger, Loren 2008. Letter from Johannesburg: performance and urban fabrics in the inner city. Theater, 38(1): 4-17.

Kruger, Loren 2008. National arts festival. Theatre journal, 60(1): 117-120.

Kruger, Loren 2009. Cascoland: interventions in public space, Drill Hall, Johannesburg, South Africa. Theatre journal, 61(1): 147-148..

Kruger, M.S. 1997. Poppespel - 'n Ondersoek na die historiese ontwikkeling, die spelbeginsels, karakter en gebruiksmoontlikhede van die toneelpop. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Stellenbosch.

Kruger, M.S. 1997. Tradisionele elemente en kontemporêre tendense in die pantomime: 'n teater-historiese ondersoek. Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch. (Dphil (Drama) verhandeling.)

Kruger, Marie. 2000. English pantomime: Reflections on a dynamic tradition. SATJ 14: 146-173.

Kruger, Marie 2003. Pantomime in South Africa: the British tradition and the local flavour. South African theatre journal, 17: 129-152.

Kruger, Marie SCHOLTZ, PIETER. 1995. The “Tambootie Plays” Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 9(1): 118-126.

Kruger, Marie 2000. English pantomime: Reflections on a dynamic tradition. South African theatre journal, 14:146-173.

Kruger, Marie 2006. The power of double vision: tradition and social intervention in African puppet performance. New Theatre Quarterly, 22(4):324-336.

Kruger, Marie 2007. Puppets in education and development in Africa: the puppet’s dual nature and sign systems in action. South African theatre journal, 21: 64-74.

Kruger, Marie 2008. Puppets in educational entertainment in South Africa: comments on a number of long-term projects. South African theatre journal, 22: 25-43.

Kruger, N. 1951a. Huidige N.T.O.-toer – “Die Vrek” en “Cocktail party”. Helikon, 1(1) : 17-19. October.

Kruger, N. 1951b. Nasionale toneelorganissasie reis met “Die Vrek”. Staatsamptenaar, 31(5) : 36-39. May.

Kruger, N. 1951c. Nasionale toneelorganisasie word al meer ’n kultuurkrag. Lantern, 1:150-151. June.

Kruger, N. 1952a. Jongste aktiwiteite van die N.T.O. Lantern, 2: 294-298.

Kruger, N. 1952b N.T.O. en die Van Riebeeck-fees. Inspan, 11(5): 22. February.

Kruger, N. 1952c. Ons toneel en die stigting van die Nasionale toneelorganisasie. Helikon, 1(3): 29-34. February.

Kruger, N. 1952d. Toneelfees soos nog nooit tevore nie: N.T.O. voed die vertroue. [Opvoerings van “The dam”, “The ball at the castle”, Die jaar van die vuuros” en “As ons twee eers getroud is”]. Helikon, 1(5): 92-100. June.

Kruger, N. 1952e. Vier prysdramas vir die Van Riebeeck-fees aangebied: die Nasionale toneelorganisasie bereik ’n hoogtepunt. Lantern, 1: 520-523. May.

Kruger, N. 1952f. “Vrek” het die meeste geld ingebring: na vyd jaar kan N.T.O. roem op prestasies. Huisgenoot, 37(1588): 22-24. August 29.

Kruger, N. 1952g. “Vrek”, “The Cockatail party” en die Nasionale toneelorganisasie se planne vir 1952. Lantern, 1 : 520-523. May.

Kruger, N. 1953. N.T.O. bied Molière en Shakespeare aan. Staatsamptenaar, 33(6): 44-45.

Kruger, N. 1954. Nasionale toneelorganisasie. Staatsamptenaar, 34(12): 63.

Kruger, N. 1955. Vanjaar se verskeidenheid deur die N.T.O. aangebied. Taalgenoot, 24(4): 16-17.

Kruger, N. 1956. N.T.O. bied aan nege stukke in een jaar. Lantern, 5: 282-286. February.

Kruger, N. 1957a. Eerste stadskouburg in Suid-Afrika deur N.T.O. geopen. Taalgenoot, 26(11): 16-18.

Kruger, N. 1957b. N.T.O. het op sy beste stukke die meeste verloor. Huisgenoot 4(1852): 6-7. September 16.

Kruger, N. 1957c Tiende verjaardag van N.T.O. Lantern, 7:72-76. October.

Kruger, N. 1958a. N.T.O. Lantern, 8: 182-188. December.

Kruger, N. 1958b. Pioneers of the Afrikaans theatre: the Hanekoms. South African panorama, 3(3): 34-36.

Kruger, N. 1959a. Nasionale toneelorganisasie. Staatsamptenaar, 34(12): 63.

Kruger, N. 1959b. Nasionale toneelorganisasie. Lantern, 9: 192-197.

Kruger, N. 1961. 1960 was ‘n groot jaar vir die N.T.O. Lantern, 10: 280-287.

Kunst in Südafrika: Schauspiel, Oper, Ballett, Musik. 1967. Afrika-Post, 14(1): 56-61. Kunst in Zuid-Afrika. 1969. Pretoria: Departement van Inligting.

Kuschlik, Taubie 1946. South African audiences have become more alive to the living theatre. Outspan. 391(1013): 47-49. July 26.

Kwetana , W.M. 1984. Unyawo alunampumlo [by Z.R. Gqomo. Literary criticism]. South African journal of African languages supplement 2 : 87-97.

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