Don't Drink the Water

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Don’t Drink the Water is a play by American actor, comedian, filmmaker and playwright Woody Allen [1] (born 1935).

The original text

Opened on November 17, 1966 and ran for 598 performances on Broadway.

Translations and adaptations

Made into a film in 1969.

Performance history in South Africa

First production in South Africa in January 1977 at The Space (Cape Town), directed and lit by Brian Astbury, with Len Sparrow-Hawk, Charles Comyn, Bill Curry, Chris Galloway, Joe Gibbon, Merle Lifson, John Nankin, Carol Nicholls, Chayela Rosenthal, Robin Smith and Stan Wrigley. Set design by John Nankin, sound by Joe Gibbon and stage management by Kenneth Mdana. The audience loved it and as a result the play ran for ten weeks. This production also played at the Market Theatre. Done by NAPAC in 1980 with Vera Blacker, Stuart Brown and Phillip Godowa.


Astbury 1979.

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