The Storm

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The Storm (Russian: Гроза, sometimes translated as The Thunderstorm) [1] is an 1859 play by Russian playwright Alexander Ostrovsky (1823-1886) [2].

The original text

Translations and adaptations

Adaptation in Afrikaans by Braam Cilliers as Die Storm.

Performance history in South Africa

1978: Die Storm, the Afrikaans adaptation by Cilliers was staged by the University of Pretoria Drama Department, directed by Braam Cilliers, with Lochner de Kock, Ben Kruger, André Retief, Pieter Brand, Eben Cruywagen, Alwina van Wyk, Alida Theron, Schalk Schoombie, Selma van der Vyver, Marlise Erwee, Karin Cronje, Suzette de Waal and others.


University of Pretoria Drama Department theatre programme, 1978.

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