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Jalouse is a French comedy in three acts by Alexandre Bisson (1848-1912)[1] and Adolphe Leclercq

The original text

First produced in Paris by Albert Carré (1852-1938) and Paul Porel (1843-1917). at the Théâtre du Vaudeville, 4 November, 1897. P.-V. Stock, 1902

Performed in French at the Royalty Theatre, London, as Jalouse on 1 and 2 March, 1906.

Translations and adaptations

Adapted into English as The Dovecot (on occasion The Dove-Cot) by Charles H.E. Brookfield (1857–1913)[2]. Performed Duke of York's Theatre, London, on 12 February 1898 by James Welch and a cast including Seymour Hicks, Ellis Jeffreys and Miss Carlotta.

Performance history in South Africa

1866: Performed as Lucretia Borgia by the Le Roy-Duret Company in the Harrington Street Theatre, Cape Town, on





Academy Publishing Company. 9th February 1898. The Academy and Literature, Volume 53:p213, Google E-book.[3]




D.C. Boonzaier, 1923. "My playgoing days – 30 years in the history of the Cape Town stage", in SA Review, 9 March and 24 August 1932. (Reprinted in Bosman 1980: pp. 374-439.)

F.C.L. Bosman. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel II, 1856-1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik: pp.203-205

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