Vergewe Ons Ons Skulde
Vergewe Ons Ons Skulde ("Forgive us our trespasses") is an Afrikaans melodrama by Pieter Fourie (1940-).
The original text
Written by Fourie for production by the Pieter Fourie Genootskap touring company on its rural tours. The text has been lost.
Translations and adaptations
Performance history in South Africa
1966 Performed on tour in Afrikaans by the Pieter Fourie Genootskap.
Nico Luwes 2012. Pieter Fourie (1940-) se bydrae as Afrikaanse dramaturg en kunsbestuurder: 1965-2010. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State, pp.127-132 [1]
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