Max Angorn

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Max Angorn (b. **/**/1902 – d. 09/07/1985) was a stage and film actor.


In the 1930s, Max Angorn ran a dry-cleaning business in East London, but had a passion for the theatre. As an amateur, he formed the Jewish Dramatic Circle with which he toured the smaller towns in the Eastern Cape, performing a series of Yiddish plays. In 1938, the East London Jewish Helping Hand and Burial Society, of which he was a member, arranged a farewell for him upon his imminent departure for Johannesburg. Between July and November 1938 he used the name Max Shadovich(?) to act with the Cape Jewish Dramatic Society. He subsequently joined Ossip Runitsch’s Yiddish Art Theatre and became a member of Sarah Sylvia’s Yiddish company made up of refugee artists that visited Cape Town in 1939/1940. In 1944, he was back in East London to produce Shliomke un Rikl and during that time he also performed at the Port Elizabeth City Hall.

In addition he acted in several films.

He was married to Helen Goldberg and they had two children. His son, Israel (Bunny) Angorn, became a distinguished Professor of Surgery at the University of Natal.

Stage roles

Over the years he appeared in many plays, including High School (1961), staged by Cecil Williams at the Library Theatre (with Sarah Sylvia), A Flea in her Ear and Fanny (both 1968), staged by Albert Ninio at the Alexander Theatre, and played the Rabbi in Taubie Kushlick’s production of Fiddler on the Roof (1969) at the Empire Theatre in Johannesburg.


The Second Sin (David Millin/1966), Vrolike Vrydag 13de (uncredited) (Richard Daneel/1969), Danie Bosman: die verhaal van die grootste S.A. komponis (Elmo de Witt/1969), Stadig oor die Klippe (uncredited) (Richard Daneel/1969), Scotty Smith (Peter Henkel/1969), Diamantendetektiv Dick Donald (Episode: Der Assistant) (Erich Neureuther/1971), Die Sersant en die Tiger Moth (Koos Roets/1973), Fraud! (Donald Monat/1974).



Belling, Veronica Penkin - Yiddish theatre in South Africa

Zionist Record, 1 April 1938

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