Mrs Warren's Profession

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Mrs Warren's Profession is a play written in 1893 by Irish playwright, music and theatre critic George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)[1].

The original text

A controversial play about relationship between Mrs Kitty Warren, a former prostitute and current brothel owner, and her daughter, Vivie. Written in 1893 and first performed in London in 1902.

Translations and adaptations

Translated into Dutch as Mevrouw Warren's Bedrijf by Josine A. Simons-Mees and published by Het Maatschappij voor goede en goedkoope lectuur, Amsterdam, 1908.

According to Ludwig Binge (1969: pp. 91, 180), an Afrikaans play called Die Verliefde Indringer, was ascribed to Dario Niccodemi by the actor producer Paul de Groot in the advertising pamphlet for its opening in Potchefstroom, but was described as a translation of Shaw's Mrs Warren's Profession by the press. (De Groot later renamed the play Die Oorwinnaar ("The Conqueror") for its national tour.

See Die Verliefde Indringer and Die Oorwinnaar

Performance history in South Africa

1943: Produced at Cape Town's Little Theatre in 1943 by Rosalie van der Gucht starring Minna Millsten, Mary Dean, Basil Warner, Jack Stubbs, Frank Spears, Clifford Wootton. Sets by Cecil Pym.

1973: Produced by Libertas Theatre Club in November 1973 at the H.B. Thom Theatre produced by Billy Trengove starring Janet Schörn, David Kennedy, Louise Brower, Philip Erskine, Lewis Silberbauer, Peter Viljoen.


Ludwig Binge, 1969: pp. 91, 180

Mrs Warren's Profession. Wikipedia (

Trek, 8(9):18, 1943.

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