The Research Team

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Founder and Project Leader

Temple Hauptfleisch


Drama, Theatre and Performance: Temple Hauptfleisch

Film: Freddy Ogterop

The Cumulative Bibliography: Miriam Terblanche

Planning Committees and Research Support

Original Project Planning Committee (1990-1994)

Temple Hauptfleisch, Yvette Hutchison, Edwin Hees, Arnold Blumer.

Digital Planning Committee (2010-2013)

Temple Hauptfleisch, Ina Smith, Hilton Gibson, Miriam Terblanche.

Technical advisors to the project

On the Access-programme originally used: Petra Malherbe & Information Technology, University of Stellenbosch

Technical advisors on the Wiki-programme: Hilton Gibson and Tammy Bekker

Research Assistants to the Project Leader (1990-2013)

Felicity Grové, Abduragman Adams, J-P de Rosnay, Gaerin Hauptfleisch, Karina Hauptfleisch, Yvette Hutchison, Anja Huismans, Miemie Neethling, Petrus du Preez, Rebecca Smart, Miriam Terblanche and Hannah Borthwick.

Contributing Authors

(Their affiliation at the time of writing) and [abbreviations used in text] Arnold Blumer (University of Stellenbosch) [AB] Hannah Borthwick (University of Stellenbosch) [HB] P.J. Conradie (University of Stellenbosch) [PC] Eben Cruywagen (SABC) [EC] J-P de Rosnay (University of Stellenbosch) [J-P] Floyed de Vaal (University of Stellenbosch) [FdV] Petrus du Preez (University of Stellenbosch) [PDP] Julius Eichbaum (Scenario Magazine) [JE] Ian Ferguson (University of South Africa) [IF] Jill Fletcher (Cape Town) [JF] Gaerin Hauptfleisch (University of Stellenbosch) [GH] Temple Hauptfleisch (University of Stellenbosch) [TH] Edwin Hees (University of Stellenbosch) [EH] Stephanie Hough (Stellenbosch) [SH] Johan Hugo (University of Stellenbosch) [JH] Yvette Hutchison (Universities of Warwick UK and Stellenbosch) [YH] Enock James (University of Stellenbosch) [EJ] Marie Kruger (University of Stellenbosch) [MK] Mervyn McMurtry (University of Natal, Durban) [McM] Miemie Neethling (University of Stellenbosch) [MN] Miriam Terblanche (University of Stellenbosch) [MT] NELM, Grahamstown [NELM] Steve Ntsane (University of Stellenbosch) [SN] Louw Odendaal (University of Pretoria) [LO] Freddy Ogterop (Independent researcher)[FO] Dennis Schauffer (University of Durban-Westville) [DS] Rebecca Smart (University of Stellenbosch) [RS] Elma Young (Pretoria) [EY] Johann van Heerden [JvH] Hilda van Lill (University of Stellenbosch [HvL] Nthombifuthi Vezi (University of Zululand) [NV] Anton Welman (University of the Free State) [AW]

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