Perske vir 'n Pond
Perske vir 'n Pond ("Peach for a pound") is an Afrikaans one-act by Dirk G. Richard.
The title later altered to accommodate the new metric monetary system introduced on 14 February 1961, to read Perske vir 'n Rand.
The original text
First published as Pond vir 'n Perske ("Pound for a peach") in the Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 4(1):59-72, 1954, then as Perske vir 'n Pond in Die Laaste Skakel en ander Eenbedrywe by Dagbreekboekhandel in 1955 and finally as Perske vir 'n Rand in Woord en Masker by Van Schaik in .
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