Dirk Ligter

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Dirk Ligter is the name of a renowned stock thief and a legend of the Tankwa Karoo.

There have been many versions of the Dirk Ligter story, perhaps the most influential being fictionalised account of his life in the novel Boplaas (1938) by Boerneef (I.W. van der Merwe).

Believed to have been born in the vicinity of Clanwilliam (or somewhat farther north) circa 1885, of Mozambiquan and Bushman parentage, Ligter became a legendary figure whose exploits have been recounted by farmers in the districts of Clanwilliam and Ceres for decades.

He seems to have died of TB in Somerset Hospital, Cape Town, not far from the Breakwater prison where he spent some time.

Dramatised versions of the Dirk Ligter story

Dirk Ligter by Albert Maritz

A radio drama in which two authors discuss their conflicting versions of Ligter and his life. Directed by Albert Maritz, performed by Nic de Jager, Waldimar Schultz, Dean Balie, Zenobia Kloppers, Wessel Pretorius, Riaan Visman, Marion Holm and Frieda van den Heever.


