Jeanne Goosen - Elders aan Diens

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Jeanne Goosen - Elders aan Diens is a cabaret about the poetry of Jeanne Goosen.

The original text

The cabaret was developed by Albert Maritz and based on Elders aan Diens, a collection of new poetry by Jeanne Goosen, published by Genugtig! Uitgewers in 2007. The poems were set to music and performed by Nicole Holm, Frieda van den Heever en Luna Paige.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

2008: It was performed at the KKNK directed by Albert Maritz, with Nicole Holm, Luna Pieterse and Frieda van den Heever. Performances at various other festivals and theatrew venues also followed.

2009: Broadcast on the RSG Kunstefees het in 2009, though no recording was made at the time.

2020: After the death of Jeanne Goosen op 3 Junie 2020, a recording of the cabaret was made and broadcast by Iluminar Produksies, the broadcasting arm of the Drostdy Teater in Stellenbosch, during the lockdown of theatres in the time of COVID. se uitsaaikanaal geïnisieeand braodcast A special composed by Elders aan diens het nuwe lewe gekry ná , tydens die wêreldpandemie, oorlede is. het die uitsending van hierdié spesiale opname op r. Nicole Holm, Frieda van den Heever en Luna Paige beïndruk met hul vertolkings en toonsettings van Jeanne se werk.


Beeld, 23 January 2008.

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