The Other Side of the Swamp

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The Other Side of the Swamp is a play for two men by Royce Ryton (1924-2009).

The original text

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1966: Staged by the Toerien-Firth Company in the Barnato Theatre in Johannesburg, directed by Graham Armtage with author Royce Ryton and Echardt Rabe. Despite the controversy about the play's theme, it ran for a year and broke a South African record in the process.

1977: Performed at the Baxter Theatre, once again directed by Graham Armitage, starring Royce Ryton and Eckard Rabe.

2001: In June 2001 it was staged by Pieter Toerien Productions in the Montecasino Theatre in Johannesburg and the Theatre on the Bay in Cape Town, directed by Alan Swerdlow, with Malcolm Terrey and Ashley Dowds.


The Citizen, 12 June 2001.

Beeld Plus, 2 June 2001.

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