Deur Stryd tot Oorwinning

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Deur Stryd tot Oorwinning ("Through struggle to victory") is a dramatic work in Afrikaans by Adèle Jooste (1914–2012).

The original text

No published text can be found, but this may have been a production title, given to a performance of a series of tableaus, based on scenes from a published play called Hollander en Hugenoot by Adèle Jooste (published in 1949).

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1949: A work (a series of tableaus?) billed as "Episodes uit Deur stryd tot oorwinning van Adèle Jooste" were performed by Volksteater, Pretoria as part of the celebrations around the inauguration of the Voortrekker Monument. The original programme[1] for the event however also lists two other "historical tableaus" by Adele Jooste - 'n Voortrekker Troue ("A Voortrekker marriage", produced in the Amphitheatre by J.A.A.T.S. and Die Aankoms van die Hugenote aan die Kaap ("The Arrival of the Huguenots at the Cape"), the latter taken from the author's own Deur Stryd tot Oorwinning and produced by the Franschhoek Hugenote Teatergroep (Franschoek Huguenot Theatre Group).


Marisa Keuris. 2013. "J.R.L. van Bruggen (Kleinjan) se eenbedryf “Bloedrivier” uit Bakens: Gedramatiseerde mylpale uit die Groot Trek (1938/1939) – ’n terugblik vanuit 2013", LitNet Akademies 10(3)[2]

Botha 1952:320.

"Program from the Inauguration of the Vootrekker Monument, Pretoria, South Africa" in Helen Keller Archive[3]

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