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[[Miriam's Crime]] (Craven)
[[Miriam's Crime]] (Craven)
[[Mirror to Elizabeth]]

Latest revision as of 11:53, 27 April 2024

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The list

Miracle at Verdun (Schlumberg)

Miracle Conway (Aron)

Miracle Worker, The (Gibson)


Miriam's Crime (Craven)

Mirror to Elizabeth


Misanthrope, Le (Molière)

Misanthrope, The (Molière) See Le Misanthrope

Misanthrope, The, or the Dropping Well of Knavesboro' (Anon) See The Charcoal Burner or the Dropping Well of Knaresborough

Miscarriage of Murder

Mischief-making (Buckstone)

Mischievous Nigger, The (White)

Misdaad en Wroeging (Meys)

Misdade van die Vaders

Miser, The (Molière) See L'Avare

Miser of Shoreditch, The (Prest)

Miser, or Happiness found in Gold, The (a "Comic Pantomime in 1 act")

Miseries of Human Life, The (Beresford/Webster)


Miskend (Meys)

Miss Decima (Audran & Boucheron/Burnand) See Miss Helyett

Miss Eily O'Connor (Byron)

Miss Elizabeth's Prisoner (Stephens and Swete)

Miß Fanny, oder Der Schiffbruch (Brandes)

Miss Helyett (Audran & Boucheron)

Miss Hook of Holland (Rubens and Hurgon)

Miss in her Teens, or, The Medley of Lovers (Garrick)

Miss Julie (Strindberg)

Miss Los Istrata (Aristophanes/Malan)

Miss Mabel

Miss Margarida's Way

Mistake, The (Vanbrugh)

Mistakes of a Night (Goldsmith) See She Stoops to Conquer

Mistero Buffo (Dario Fo)

Mistress of the Inn, The

Misverstand, Een (Taylor)

Misverstand, Het, of Elk is Een Dief in Zijne Nering (Harding)

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