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Bobaas van die Boendoe. [Literary criticism, André P. Brink]. 1974. Tydskrif vir gesesteswetenskappe, 14: 215-217. September.
Bode, Peter W. 1981. A history of Souith African theatre, part VIII. Scenaria, (28): 47-48.
Bodie, P.W. 1980. History of South African theatre. Scenaria, (21): 33-34.  
''[[Die Bobaas van die Boendoe]]''. (Literary criticism, [[André P. Brink]]). 1974. ''[[Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe]]'', 14:215-217. September.
Bodie, P.W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Scenaria, (22): 27.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1980. History of South African theatre. Part I. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (21):33-34.  
Bodie, P.W. 1982. History of South African theatre. Scenaria, 29-32. Ja-Jul
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1981. History of South African theatre. Part II. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (22):39.
Bodie, P.W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Scenaria, (28): 33.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1981. History of South African theatre. Part III. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (23):37-38.
Boekkooi, Paul 1989. Nuwe bloed bring woelinge by Naruk (ondersoek na die Uitvoerende Kunsterade). Insig, Februarie 36-39.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1981. History of South African theatre. Part IV. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (24):30-31.
Boekkooi, Paul. 1994. Wanneer die stormramme aantree. Insig, 02/94: 30.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1981. History of South African theatre. Part V. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (25):21-22.
Boekkooi, Paul. 1994. Twee stukke wat jou sal laat meeleef. Insig, 04/94: 36.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1981. History of South African theatre. Part VI. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (26):39-41.
Boekkooi, Paul. 1994. Bevryding die hooftema in Trits. Insig, 05/94: Bylaag B10.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1981. History of South African theatre. Part VII. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (27):41-43.
Boekkooi, Paul. 1994. ATKV: baie nabetragting nodig. Insig, 05/94: 29.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1981. History of South African theatre. Part VIII. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (28):47-48.
Boekkooi, Paul. 1994. Fees skud alle onderdanigheid af. Insig, 08/94: 29.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1982. History of South African theatre. Part IX. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (29):41-42.
Boekkooi, Paul. 1994. Die platteland kry weer toneel. Insig, 09/94: 28.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1982. History of South African theatre. Part X. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (30):14-15.
Boekkooi, Paul 1998. Hoekpilaar van die SA verhoog. Die taalgenoot, 67(7): 4-5.
[[Peter W. Bodie|Bodie, Peter W.]] 1982. History of South African theatre. Part XI. ''[[Scenaria]]'', (32):47.
Boekkooi, Paul. 1999. Sê dit maar! Insig, 12/99: 31.
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1989. Nuwe bloed bring woelinge by [[NAPAC|Naruk]] (ondersoek na die Uitvoerende Kunsterade). ''[[Insig]]'', Februarie 36-39.
Boekkooi, Paul. 2001.  Kits KKNK. Insig, 04/01: 46.
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1994. Wanneer die stormramme aantree. ''[[Insig]]'', 02/94: 30.
Bokwe, Goliath Dumezweni 1993. Sarcasm, conflict and style in Mtywaku's plays. Grahamstown: Rhodes University. (M.A. thesis).
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1994. Twee stukke wat jou sal laat meeleef. ''[[Insig]]'', 04/94: 36.
Bolsman, Eric. 1994. “Early Hotels in Pretoria” In: Be My Guest, March. ???
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1994. Bevryding die hooftema in ''[[Trits]]''. ''[[Insig]]'', 05/94: Bylaag B10.
Book review Kavanagh Theatre and cultural struggle... Critical arts, 4(1) : 80-84.
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1994. [[ATKV]]: baie nabetragting nodig. ''[[Insig]]'', 05/94: 29.
Boom in theatre. 1944. Forum. 7(20): 17-19. August 12.
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1994. Fees skud alle onderdanigheid af. ''[[Insig]]'', 08/94: 29.
BOONZAIER, D.C. 1980. My Playgoing Days – 30 Years in the History of the Cape Town Stage. In: F.C.L. Bosman, Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel 2: 1856 – 1912. (pp.374-439). Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik.
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1994. Die platteland kry weer toneel. ''[[Insig]]'', 09/94: 28.
Bopape, Malekutu Levy 1992. A comparative study of three Northern Sotho tragedies. Pretoria: University of  South Africa. (M.A. thesis).
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1995. Tussen die duiwel en die diep blou see. ([[William Kentridge]], [[Handspring Puppet Company]], [[Faustus in Africa]]) ''[[Die Suid-Afrikaan]]'', 77(54):44-46.
Bosch, Barbara 1995  Powerspeak in Reza de Wet’s Diepe grond. South African theatre journal, 9(1): 79-88.
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1998. Hoekpilaar van die SA verhoog. ''[[Die Taalgenoot]]'', 67(7):4-5.
Bose, Neilesh 1997. Fitting the word to the action : an ethnographic journey into theatre. Durban: Asoka Theatre Publications.
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 1999. Sê dit maar! ''[[Insig]]'', 12/99:31.
Bosman, Anston 2005. Shakespeare under the skin. Performance research, 10(3): 85-89.  
[[Paul Boekkooi|Boekkooi, Paul]] 2001. Kits [[KKNK]]. ''[[Insig]]'', 04/01:46.
Bosman, F.C.L. 1928. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel I ["Drama and Theatre in South Africa. Part I"]: 1652-1855. Amsterdam/Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy.
[[Goliath Dumezweni Bokwe|Bokwe, Goliath Dumezweni]] 1993. Sarcasm, conflict and style in Mtywaku's plays. Unpublished master’s thesis. Grahamstown: Rhodes University.
Bosman, F.C.L. 1951a. The Dutch and English Theatre in South Africa 1800 till today, and the Afrikaans Drama. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy.
Boltt, J. 2000. Highly strung : artist's notebook. ([[Handspring Puppet Company]], [[The Chimp Project]]
). ''Style'', 37(3):78-81.
Bosman, F.C.L. 1951b. Hollandse en Engelse toneel in Suid-Afrika, 1800 tot vandag, en, Die Afrikaanse drama : kort oorsigte. Pretoria : De Bussy.
Boom in theatre. 1944. ''Forum'', 7(20):17-19. August 12.
Bosman, F.C.L. 1955a. Die toneel in Suid-Afrika: Hollands, Engels, Afrikaans (1800-1954) (Lesing soos gegee in Nederland, November 1954.) Deel I Helikon, 4(19): 10-17.
[[D.C. Boonzaier|Boonzaier, D.C.]] 1923. "My playgoing days – 30 years in the history of the Cape Town stage",  in ''SA Review'', 9 March and 24 August 1923. Reprinted in [[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1980. ''Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel 2: 1856 – 1912''. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik. 374-439.
Bosman, F.C.L. 1955b. Die toneel in Suid-Afrika: Helikon, 4(20): 54-60.
[[Malekutu Levy Bopape|Bopape, Malekutu Levy]] 1992. A comparative study of three Northern Sotho tragedies. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pretoria: University of  South Africa.
Bosman, F.C.L. 1969. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika Deel 2 ["Drama and Theatre in South Africa "]1800-1962. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik.
[[M.L. Bopape|Bopape, M.L.]] 2006. A historical-biographical analysis of ''[[Kgasane]]''. ''South African Journal of African Languages'', 26(4):
Bosman, F.C.L. 1970. Sewe beslissende jaartalle in die geskiedenis van die toneel in Suid-Afrika. Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 10(1): 16-26 (42?).
[[Petrus B. Borcherds|Borcherds, Petrus B.]] 1861. An autobiographical memoir. Being a plain narrative of occurrences from early life to advanced age, chiefly intended for his children and descendatns, countrymen and friends. Cape Town, A.S. Robertson. (Reprinted in facsimile by Pranava Books, 2008.)
[[Mari Borstlap|Borstlap, Mari]] 2012. Poësie performances : ‘n ondersoek na die moontlikhede vir poësie performance. Unpublished master's thesis. Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University.
[[Hannah Borthwick|Borthwick, Hannah]] 2011. 'World Cup of the Arts’ – The Grahamstown [[National Arts Festival]] 2010 – an overview. ''[[South African Theatre Journal]]'', 25(1):78-86. 
[[Barbara Bosch|Bosch, Barbara]] 1995  Powerspeak in [[Reza de Wet]]’s ''[[Diepe Grond]]''. ''[[South African Theatre Journal]]'', 9(1):79-88.
[[Morwenna Bosch|Bosch, Morwenna]] 2005. Limping into the African Renaissance: the  abject art of [[Steven Cohen]]. ''[[South African Theatre Journal]]'', 19:116-129.
[[Neilesh Bose|Bose, Neilesh]] 1997. ''Fitting the Word to the Action: An Ethnographic Journey into Theatre''. Durban: Asoka Theatre Publications.
[[L.P. Boshego|Boshego, L.P.]] and [[D.W. Lloyd|Lloyd, D.W.]] 2009. [[G.H. Franz]]'s ''[[Modjadji]]'': archetypes of time and the transcendence of history. ''Literator'', 30(3):
Bosman, A 2010, Cape of Storms: The Baxter Theatre Centre–RSC Tempest, 2009. ''Shakespeare Quarterly'', 61(1):108-117.
[[Anston Bosman|Bosman, Anston]] 2005. Shakespeare under the skin. ''Performance Research'', 10(3):85-89.
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1928. ''Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel I: 1652-1855''. Pretoria: [[J.H. de Bussy]].
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1950. ''Vier Uitgesoekte Eenbedrywe : Met 'n Historiese Oorsig van die Afrikaanse Drama''. Johannesburg : [[Afrikaanse Pers Boekhandel]].
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1951a. ''The Dutch and English Theatre in South Africa 1800 till today, and the Afrikaans Drama''. Pretoria: [[J.H. de Bussy]]. 
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1951b. ''Hollandse en Engelse toneel in Suid-Afrika, 1800 tot vandag, en, Die Afrikaanse drama : kort oorsigte''. Pretoria : [[J.H. de Bussy]].
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1955a. Die toneel in Suid-Afrika: Hollands, Engels, Afrikaans (1800-1954) (Lesing soos gegee in Nederland, November 1954.) Deel I ''Helikon'', 4(19):10-17.
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1955b. Die toneel in Suid-Afrika. ''Helikon'', 4(20):54-60.
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1963. ''[[Die Beskermengel]] en ander eenbedrywe'', edited by K. Swart. Reviewed in: ''[[Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe]]'', 3(2):
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1969. ''Drama en toneel in Suid-Afrika, 1800-1962. Kort oorsigte''. Pretoria: [[J.L. van Schaik]].
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1970. Sewe beslissende jaartalle in die geskiedenis van die toneel in Suid-Afrika. ''[[Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe]]'', 10(1):16-26.
[[F.C.L. Bosman|Bosman, F.C.L.]] 1980. ''Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika , Deel II: 1856-1912''. Pretoria: [[J.L. van Schaik]].
[[M.J. van R. Bosman|Bosman, M.J. van R.]] 1937. Die voorlopers en die ontstaan van die Afrikaanse toneel in Transvaal. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pretoria: Universiteit van Pretoria.
Bosman, F.C.L. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika , Deel II ["Drama and Theatre in South Africa. Part II"]: 1856-1916. Pretoria: J.L van Schaik.
Bosman, M. J. van R. 1937. Die voorlopers en die ontstaan van die Afrikaanse toneel in Transvaal. Pretoria: Universiteit van Pretoria. (MA Thesis).
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Die Bobaas van die Boendoe. (Literary criticism, André P. Brink). 1974. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 14:215-217. September.

Bodie, Peter W. 1980. History of South African theatre. Part I. Scenaria, (21):33-34.

Bodie, Peter W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Part II. Scenaria, (22):39.

Bodie, Peter W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Part III. Scenaria, (23):37-38.

Bodie, Peter W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Part IV. Scenaria, (24):30-31.

Bodie, Peter W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Part V. Scenaria, (25):21-22.

Bodie, Peter W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Part VI. Scenaria, (26):39-41.

Bodie, Peter W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Part VII. Scenaria, (27):41-43.

Bodie, Peter W. 1981. History of South African theatre. Part VIII. Scenaria, (28):47-48.

Bodie, Peter W. 1982. History of South African theatre. Part IX. Scenaria, (29):41-42.

Bodie, Peter W. 1982. History of South African theatre. Part X. Scenaria, (30):14-15.

Bodie, Peter W. 1982. History of South African theatre. Part XI. Scenaria, (32):47.

Boekkooi, Paul 1989. Nuwe bloed bring woelinge by Naruk (ondersoek na die Uitvoerende Kunsterade). Insig, Februarie 36-39.

Boekkooi, Paul 1994. Wanneer die stormramme aantree. Insig, 02/94: 30.

Boekkooi, Paul 1994. Twee stukke wat jou sal laat meeleef. Insig, 04/94: 36.

Boekkooi, Paul 1994. Bevryding die hooftema in Trits. Insig, 05/94: Bylaag B10.

Boekkooi, Paul 1994. ATKV: baie nabetragting nodig. Insig, 05/94: 29.

Boekkooi, Paul 1994. Fees skud alle onderdanigheid af. Insig, 08/94: 29.

Boekkooi, Paul 1994. Die platteland kry weer toneel. Insig, 09/94: 28.

Boekkooi, Paul 1995. Tussen die duiwel en die diep blou see. (William Kentridge, Handspring Puppet Company, Faustus in Africa) Die Suid-Afrikaan, 77(54):44-46.

Boekkooi, Paul 1998. Hoekpilaar van die SA verhoog. Die Taalgenoot, 67(7):4-5.

Boekkooi, Paul 1999. Sê dit maar! Insig, 12/99:31.

Boekkooi, Paul 2001. Kits KKNK. Insig, 04/01:46.

Bokwe, Goliath Dumezweni 1993. Sarcasm, conflict and style in Mtywaku's plays. Unpublished master’s thesis. Grahamstown: Rhodes University.

Boltt, J. 2000. Highly strung : artist's notebook. (Handspring Puppet Company, The Chimp Project ). Style, 37(3):78-81.

Boom in theatre. 1944. Forum, 7(20):17-19. August 12.

Boonzaier, D.C. 1923. "My playgoing days – 30 years in the history of the Cape Town stage", in SA Review, 9 March and 24 August 1923. Reprinted in Bosman, F.C.L. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel 2: 1856 – 1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik. 374-439.

Bopape, Malekutu Levy 1992. A comparative study of three Northern Sotho tragedies. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pretoria: University of South Africa.

Bopape, M.L. 2006. A historical-biographical analysis of Kgasane. South African Journal of African Languages, 26(4):

Borcherds, Petrus B. 1861. An autobiographical memoir. Being a plain narrative of occurrences from early life to advanced age, chiefly intended for his children and descendatns, countrymen and friends. Cape Town, A.S. Robertson. (Reprinted in facsimile by Pranava Books, 2008.)

Borstlap, Mari 2012. Poësie performances : ‘n ondersoek na die moontlikhede vir poësie performance. Unpublished master's thesis. Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University.

Borthwick, Hannah 2011. 'World Cup of the Arts’ – The Grahamstown National Arts Festival 2010 – an overview. South African Theatre Journal, 25(1):78-86.

Bosch, Barbara 1995 Powerspeak in Reza de Wet’s Diepe Grond. South African Theatre Journal, 9(1):79-88.

Bosch, Morwenna 2005. Limping into the African Renaissance: the abject art of Steven Cohen. South African Theatre Journal, 19:116-129.

Bose, Neilesh 1997. Fitting the Word to the Action: An Ethnographic Journey into Theatre. Durban: Asoka Theatre Publications.

Boshego, L.P. and Lloyd, D.W. 2009. G.H. Franz's Modjadji: archetypes of time and the transcendence of history. Literator, 30(3):

Bosman, A 2010, Cape of Storms: The Baxter Theatre Centre–RSC Tempest, 2009. Shakespeare Quarterly, 61(1):108-117.

Bosman, Anston 2005. Shakespeare under the skin. Performance Research, 10(3):85-89.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1928. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel I: 1652-1855. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1950. Vier Uitgesoekte Eenbedrywe : Met 'n Historiese Oorsig van die Afrikaanse Drama. Johannesburg : Afrikaanse Pers Boekhandel.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1951a. The Dutch and English Theatre in South Africa 1800 till today, and the Afrikaans Drama. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1951b. Hollandse en Engelse toneel in Suid-Afrika, 1800 tot vandag, en, Die Afrikaanse drama : kort oorsigte. Pretoria : J.H. de Bussy.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1955a. Die toneel in Suid-Afrika: Hollands, Engels, Afrikaans (1800-1954) (Lesing soos gegee in Nederland, November 1954.) Deel I Helikon, 4(19):10-17.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1955b. Die toneel in Suid-Afrika. Helikon, 4(20):54-60.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1963. Die Beskermengel en ander eenbedrywe, edited by K. Swart. Reviewed in: Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 3(2):

Bosman, F.C.L. 1969. Drama en toneel in Suid-Afrika, 1800-1962. Kort oorsigte. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1970. Sewe beslissende jaartalle in die geskiedenis van die toneel in Suid-Afrika. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 10(1):16-26.

Bosman, F.C.L. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika , Deel II: 1856-1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik.

Bosman, M.J. van R. 1937. Die voorlopers en die ontstaan van die Afrikaanse toneel in Transvaal. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pretoria: Universiteit van Pretoria.

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