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Ivanhoe is the name of an influential historical novel by Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)[1].

The original novel

First published in three volumes by Archibald Constable in Edinburgh in late 1819, though dated 1820. It was subtitled "A Romance" and the work proved to be one of the best known and most influential of Scott's novels.

Translations and Adaptations

Besides a translations of the novel itself into a wide range of languages, numerous dramatized versions of the novel (two by Scott himself), as well as plays and films based on themes from it (notably the story of the Jewess "Rebecca"), have been written and performed over the years. In addition, there have been at least nine operatic versions of the work, by composers that have included a pastiche opera[2] by Rossini (Ivanhoé, 1826) and a popular romantic opera by Gilbert Sullivan (Ivanhoe, 1891[3]).

Stage adaptations

See for example the entries on the following dramatic works:

Deborah (Mosenthal, 1849)

Ivanhoe! or, the Jewess (also found as Ivanhoe, or The Jewess of York) (Scott/Moncrieff)

Ivanhoe, or The Knight Templar (Scott/Farley)

Leah (Daly, 1862)

Film adaptations

Since the first film version by J. Stuart Blackton in 1911, there have been at least 18 adaptations for film and TV. See the Wikipedia entry on adaptations of Ivanhoe for details[4]




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