The Dear Departed

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The Dear Departed is a one act farce by Stanley Houghton [1] (1881-1913).

First produced at the Gaiety Theatre, Manchester on 2 November 1908.

Translations and adaptations

Afrikaans translation by Stephanie Fauré: Oupa Saliger. Faure’s translation published in Lank Mag Sy Lewe en ander Eenbedrywe by Van Schaik.

Possibly translated as In Liefdevolle Herinnering ("In loving memory") by an unknown translator.

Translated as Die Geliefde Ontslapene and adapted for radio by Eghard van der Hoven. Broadcast in the rpogramme in Kleinteater by the Afrikaans Service of the SABC.

Performance history in South Africa

1945: Performed during the first Cape Town Drama Festival, presented by the Association of Speech Teachers at the Cathedral Hall.

1954: Presented in Cape Town by The Cambridge Players in aid of Claremont Hebrew School funds on 1 May 1954 starring Percy Sieff.

1955: Presented at an Inter-schools play festival at the Uitenhage Town Hall, adjudicated by Prof. F.G. Butler, on 5 August.

1957: A translation into Afrikaans entitled In Liefdevolle Herinnering by an unknown translator of a one-act play by Stanley Houghton was presented by the B.A.T. on 30 October 1957, directed by Louis Pienaar. The original play is possibly The Dear Departed.


Trek, 10(4):18, 1945.

Material held by NELM: [Collection: SIEFF, Percy]: 2013. 25. 4. 24 and [Collection: KORT, Maurice]: 2012. 379. 17. 45.

Radio text of Die Geliefde Ontslapene found in the Drama Department archives, University of Stellenbosch

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