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RSG (see Radio Sonder Grense)

Raad van Afrikaanse Beoordelaars

Raad vir Kultuur, Sport en Ontspanning

Radio 702

Radio Sonder Grense

Radio South Africa

Railway Institute

Railway Institute, Bloemfontein

Railway Institute, Cape Town

Ramblers Hall, Bloemfontein

Ramolao Makhene Theatre

Rand Afrikaans University See Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit

Rand Daily Mail

Rand Film Productions

Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit


Ravan Press

Ravensmead People's Theatre, Cape Town

Ray and Cooper Company

Reck's Lokal, Pretoria

Red Flag Media

Recreations Zaal, De - Stellenbosch

Reddingsdaadbond, Die (RDB)


Rehearsal Room, The

Rehearsal Room, The - Dorkay House

Rehearsal Room, The - Market Theatre

Rehearsal Room, The - Space Theatre

Re-imagining Tragedy from Africa and the Global South (RETAGS)


Reminiscence Theatre

Remix Dance Company, The.

Renaissance, Western Cape

René de la Harpe Geselskap, Die

Repertory Amateur Players Section, Johannesburg

Repertory Amateur Players Society (RAPS) , Johannesburg

Repertory Reading Group, The - Johannesburg.

Reps Associate Players, Johannesburg

Reps Theatre, Johannesburg

Rewards for Playwrights Initiative

Rex Garner Theatre, Johannesburg

Rhodes Box, Grahamstown

Rhodes Park,

Rhodes University Drama Department, Grahamstown

Rhodes University Great Hall, Grahamstown

Rhodes University Theatre Complex, Grahamstown

Rhumbelow Theatre (Durban, Pietermaritzburg and Westville)

Rhythm World Productions

Richard Haines Theatre, Johannesburg

Riff Raff, Western Cape

Rittelfees, Die -

Road Six Productions

Robben Island Amateurs

Robertson Drama Group, The.

Roeland Street Theatre, Cape Town

Roelandstraat-skouburg, Cape Town

Rondebosch Amateur Dramatic Society, Cape Town

Roodepoort City Theatre, The See Roodepoort Civic Theatre

Roodepoort Civic Theatre, The

Roodepoort Theatre, The See Roodepoort Civic Theatre

Rooderandt Produksies

Rooster Collective, The – Cape Town

Rose Street Theatre, Cape Town

Rosebank Theatre, The, Cape Town

Ross-Munro Company, The

Rother-Swain Drama Studio, The, Port Elizabeth.

Round Table Melodrama

Round Table Theatre

Roundabout Theatre Company, Cape Town

Roundhouse, The, Cape Town

Routledge Publishers

Rowley's Music Hall, Johannesburg

Royal Alfred Dramatic Club, Cape Town

Royal Australian Opera Company

Royal Downshire Minstrels See 86th Royal Downshire Minstrels

Royal Gardens, The, Limpopo

Royal Magnet Company, The

Royal Puppet Company, The

Royal Victoria Theatre, The

Ruimte, Die - Cape Town

Rust Roest (Pretoria)

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