Eighteenth Century

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1700AD Leibnitz first president of Berlin Society of Sciences. Congreve’s "The Way of the World". W.A. van der Stel governor at the Cape . Great Northern War (Sweden versus Poland, Denmark and Russia).

1701AD Beginning of farcical entertainments among the soldiers of the garrison. (Bosman) War of the Spanish Succession between France and the Great Alliance (England, Holland and Austria).

1702AD Office of censorship in Paris.

1704AD Battle of Blenheim: Anglo-Dutch under Marlborough rout French.

1705-7AD Louis van Assenburgh becomes Governor in 1707. He encouraged public entertainment and a number of orchestras were established. Adam Tas and the Burgher Protest against the company officials.

1709AD Steele begins The Tatler in England. Van Assenburgh (Governor 1707-11) entertains the public with puppet shows, dog fights, bull fights and fireworks. Swedish army crushed by Russian army at Poltava.

1710AD Handel becomes Musical Director for Elector of Hanover, later George I of England.

1711AD Wren’s St Paul’s Cathedral completed in London. Addison and Stelle publish The Spectator in England.

1713AD A smallpox epidemic ravages the Khoisan society in the south-western Cape.

1714AD Pope’s "Rape of the Lock".

1716AD Theatre built in Wialliamsburg, Virgina USA.

1719AD Defoe’s "Robinson Crusoe".

1722AD Danish National Theatre, Copenhagen.

1723AD Bach becomes musical director in Leipzig and remains till his death.

1726AD Swift’s "Gulliver’s Travels".

1728AD Gay’s The "Beggar’s Opera".

1731AD Prévost’s "Manon Lescaut".

1733AD John Kay invents flying shuttle, which mechanises weaving. Mentzel reports that during his stay (1733-1741) “mummery” takes place among the soldiers of the garrison as part of the first day of the month feasting. Van Riebeeck’s annual day of feating has become a monthly one, the first day of the motnth is used for “feasting, drinking and merrymaking”

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