Ad Donker Publishers

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Ad Donker Publishers was founded by adventurous Dutch born publisher Adriaan Donker (generally known as Ad Donker), this independent publishing house dit much to encourage and develop the writing, publication and discussion of South African writing in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1990s Donker sold the imprint to Naspers, but remained on as a consultant for a while.

Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

Ad Donker Publishers's theatre and cultural publications include:

They Built a Theatre (the story of the Johannesburg Repertory Society) by Arthur Hoffmann and Anna Romain Hoffmann (1980)

Reef of Time: Johannesburg in Writing (a collection of pieces on Johannesburg, edited by Digby Ricci, 1986),

Athol Fugard: A Source Book (compiled by Temple Hauptfleisch, Wilma Viljoen and Celeste van Greunen, 1982)

Athol Fugard: The Notebooks (edited Mary Benson)

An Introduction to Southern African Literature by Michael Chapman

the biography and plays of Herbert Dhlomo (edited by Tim Couzens, 19**),

Besides a number of plays by various playwrights, the company also published a number of collections, including:

the plays of Herbert Dhlomo (edited by Tim Couzens, 19**),

Stephen Black: Three Plays (edited by Stephen Gray, 198*),

Theatre One: New South African Drama (edited by Stephen Gray)

Theatre Two: New South African Drama (edited by Stephen Gray)

The Market Plays (edited by Stephen Gray)

More Market Plays (edited by John Kani)

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