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The List
Moment of Doubt, The
Monkey Nuts
Monkey’s Paw, The
Monna Motlhoki
Monster agter die Oseaan, Die
Monster in die Gang, Die
Monument in Chalkdust, A
Mooi Maria (Fourie)
Mooi So!
Mooi Street Moves
Mooifontein se Meisies
Mooityd is Skooltyd, Die
Moord in Mooihawe
Moord van Dingaan aan Piet Retief, De
Moord by Bloukrans, Die (J.R.L. van Bruggen)
Moordenaar Sonder Gasie
Morati of Bataung
More than Fantasy
Môre is ‘n Lang Dag
Morné se Môre
Morning, Noon and After
Mort du Latanier et la metamorphose de ses feuilles en papilotes, La (Boniface)
Mortgage, The
Moron than Off
Mosadi a ntlholla
Moses, die Kind en Jongeling
Moses…the Musical
Moshoeshoe le baruti
Moswang wa matuba
Mother Goose
Mother of All Eating
Mother to Mother
Motho ka Batho
Motswasele II
Motte en Magrietjies
Mouldiwarp and the King of Shadows
Mountain of the Lion, The
Move (Orton)
Mowshuns and Resoliushuns, or A Peep in the Commercial Room (Boniface)
Mr Gotz's Elite Cafe
Mr McConkey's Suitcase (Aron)
Mr. Midas
Mr Paljas
Mr. Sleeman is Coming
Mr. Stone and the Architect
Mrs. Adams, Mostly and Moses
Mrs Kaplan and the Witchdoctor
Mrs Faust Remembers
Mubi umakhelwane
Muchuchisi nuna wa mahiri
Muhloti wa mihloti
Muhlupheki Ngwanazi
Mumbo Jumbo
Municipal Muddles, or Love in the Dark (Utting)
Murder of Lorca, The
Music Hall Review
Music under Difficulties, or The Composer in Search of Quiet (St George and Chester)
Musical Melange (the Darkie Serenaders)
Musicians, Die
Musiek in die Nag
Musiek Wat Die Koning Wil Hoor
Muzikale Gek, Een (N.C. Koster)
Muur van die Dood
My Aaklige Jonger Sussie
My American Cousin, or A Slight Misunderstanding ("a Gentleman of Cape Town")
My Belofte aan Mammie
My Besondere Lied
My Boarding School
My Brilliant Divorce (Aron)
My Broer
My Broer se Bril
My Childhood
My Children!, My Africa! (Fugard)
My eerste liefde
My Engel!
My Fat Friend
My Father's House
My Huis, My Kluis
My Kroon
My Last Journey by the Limousine
My Life
My Life My Voice
My Liefste Poppie
My Liewe Meneer Malan
My Mense
My Night with Reg
My nooi se naam is Sarie Takhaar
My Plaas se Naam is Vergenoeg
My Plunge to Fame
My Sad Inheritance
My seun, My seun!
My Son, My Son
My Suiderland
My Vrou se Man se Vrou
My Way issie Regte Way
My Weekend, Too
My Wit Swaan
Myne, Joune, Ons s’n
Mysteries – Yiimimangaliso, The (Dornford-May and cast)
Mystery of the Disappearing Dodo, The
Mzwandile’s Guilt
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