The Affair

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The Affair is a play by Ronald Millar (1919-1998) [1],

The original text

A play about a group of professors at Cambridge University who try to hire an old colleague back, for, even though they all don't like him, they all agree he was dismissed unfairly. Based on the novel by C.P. Snow [2], it was first staged in London in 1961 and in New York in 1962. Published by Scribner and Sons, 1962.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1963: First staged in South Africa by Taubie Kushlick at the Civic Theatre, Johannesburg and the Aula, Pretoria for PACT in 1963. The cast included George Vollaire, Colin Fish, Philip Birkinshaw, Fiona Fraser, Arthur Hall, Arthur Linscott, Michael Newell, Siegfried Mynhardt, Ronald Wallace, Billy Matthews, Simon Swindell, Frank Douglass, Helen Faul, Richard Daneel, Taffy Griffiths and Hugh Rouse. Sets designed by Anthony Farmer.

1968: Staged at the Hofmeyr Theatre by CAPAB, featuring Michael Newell, (??).


Wikipedia [3].

PACT report 1963/64.

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