L.I. Coertze

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L.I. Coertze (19**-) was a Law professor at the University of Pretoria, a businessman and translator.


Born Lukas Ignatius Coertze in the Western Transvaal on 8 February 1905.

He wrote his doctoral thesis on trusts and trustees in the Roman-Dutch law (published as Die trust in die Romeins-Hollandse reg by Universiteits-Uitgewers en -Boek-handelaars (Edms.) Beperk., Stellenbosch, in 1948). He became a professor the Law Faculty in 1935 and went on to publish a number of other legal works and commentaries, including the English-Afrikaans Legal Dictionary (with V.G. Hiemstra, Juta & Co., 1948).

Other areas of endeavour included a period as prospector, an importer of seeds and bees from various countries.

Later in his life he became a member of parliament and in the 1960s opposed the censorship laws the Nationalsit party was trying to impose on the country.

'n delwer en as invoerder probeer hy papawersaad uit Australië en heuningbye uit Angola invoer. Die groot rolprentmaatskappy Ster word deur hom gestig en in sy latere lewe is hy ook lid van die parlement. In die sestigerjare stry hy teen die sensuurbedeling wat die destydse Nasionale Party wou instel. Hy is ook die ontwerper en brein agter die safaripak met 'n langbroek, 'n poging om mans se somerwerksdrag meer prakties te maak. Modevervaardigers vervang later die langbroek met 'n kortbroek en die safaripak word vir 'n tyd baie gewild onder Suid-Afrikaanse mans. Hy was getroud met Barbara Christina de Milander Papenfus (1904–1978). Hy is op 13 November 1990 oorlede.

As an entrepreneur he was inter alia the inventor of the original "safari suit" with long trousers[].

Contribution to South African theatre

He translated two Shakespeare plays into Afrikaans:

Hamlet (published as Hamlet, Prins van Denemarke by the Stewart Printing Co. in Cape Town in 1945, with illustrations by Maud Sumner; first performed by a company brought together by André Huguenet and African Consolidated Theatres in 1947)

Macbeth (published by Stewart Printing Co., Cape Town, in 1948, with illustrations by Nerine Desmond; first performed 1950 by NTO).




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