ESAT Foreign plays Hao-Has
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The list
Happiest Days of Your Life, The (J. Dighton)
Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, The
Happy Man, The (Lover)
Happy Pair, A (Smith)
Harbour Lights, The (Sims and Pettitt)
Hard Struggle, A (Marston)
Hariadan Barbarossa, of Het Beleg van Reggio (Lamarque de Saint-Victor and Corsse/Fallée) See Hariadan Barberousse
Hariadan Barberousse (Lamarque de Saint-Victor and Corsse)
Harlequin and Mother Goose, or The Golden Egg (Dibdin)
Harlequin and the Magic Donkey
Harlequin Prince Perseus, or The Maid and the Monster (Anon.)
Harmful Effects of Tobacco, The (Chekhov)
Harvest Storm, The (Hazlewood)
Haß und Liebe (Von Bonin)
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