Hal Orlandini

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Hal Orlandini (19*-). Actor and comedian.

Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

He starred in Twelve Angry Men (as No. 12, 1965), The Devils (as Guillaume de Cerisay, PACT 1966), Uproar in the House (1968), A Flea in her Ear (1968), Chase Me Comrade (1969), Hair Hair (1972), Not in Front of the Kids (1973), The Happiness Cage (PACT 1974), Last of the Red Hot Lovers (1980). He also starred in Grin and Bare It at the Victory Theatre in 1990 and in Like the Pyramid on the Camel Packet in 1991.

He formed a company Proscenium Productions with Gordon Mulholland.

In addition to his distinguished stage career, often in serious dramatic roles, Hal has also appeared in many American and British films that were made in South Africa [1].


Tucker, 1997.

Theatre programmes of some of the productions.

IMDb [2].

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