A Perfect Cure

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A Perfect Cure is a play in one act by William Sapte, Jr. (fl. late 1800s)

The original text

This is the only reference found so far to a play by this name and written by W. Sapte, Jr., except for a brief reference in an American list of plays for girls which dates the play around the 1890s. Possibly F.C.L. Bosman (1980) took this information from adverts, reviews or the acting company's documentation.

Nothing much in known about Sapte as well.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1862: Performed as A Perfect Cure by Clara Tellett and her company in the Theatre Royal, Cape Town, on 2 August, with The Maid of the Mill (Bickerstaffe?) and Love in Humble Life (Scribe/Payne).

1862: Performed as A Perfect Cure by Clara Tellett and her company in the Theatre Royal, Cape Town, on 11 and 12 August, with The Bonnie Fishwife (Selby) , The Married Bachelor, or Master and Man (O'Calligan) and The Pilot, or A Tale of the Sea (Fitzball).


F.C.L. Bosman. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel II, 1856-1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik: pp.

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