The Zoo Story
The Zoo Story (1958) [1], originally titled Peter and Jerry, is a one-act play by American playwright Edward Albee (born 1928) [2]. His first play, it was written in 1958 and completed in just three weeks. It is a brilliant duologue between Jerry, a neurotic outcast, and respectable, bourgeois Peter who meet in Central Park.
Performance history in South Africa
19**: Performed by students of the University of the Witwatersrand School of Dramatic Art in The Nunnery, between 1975 and 1983.
197*: Produced for CAPAB by Kaben Kreu Productions, directed by Mavis Taylor, with Keith Grenville (Peter) and John Burch (Jerry).
1978: A production in Grahamstown was directed by Carl de Gouveia, starring Christopher Weare and John Burch.
1983: Directed by Noël Roos for the University of Stellenbosch Drama Department in the Keller Theatre in March 1983, starring Neels Engelbrecht and Robert Finlayson.
1990: Directed by Willie Fritz for CAPAB, starring Peter Butler and Royston Stoffels, opening 28 June 1990 on the Grahamstown Festival Fringe and 13 July 1990 in Cape Town.
2008: Presented by The Mechanicals, directed by Christopher Weare starring Nicholas Pauling and Scott Sparrow at the Intimate Theatre, Cape Town, October-November 2008. This production was also seen on the National Arts Festival Fringe in 2009.
2015: National Arts Festival.
Translations and adaptations
Press clipping from Eastern Province Herald, 16 May 1978, held by NELM: [Collection: DICKERSON, Beth]: 2009. 61. 2. 40.
Teaterforum, 4(1), 1983, 113-114.
Wikipedia [3].
Theatre pamphlet
The Star 23 June 2009.
Kaben Kreu Productions theatre programme (undated)
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