Shaun Arnolds

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Shaun Arnolds (19**-2009). Actor.

He was born in Stellenbosch and died in 2009 after being hit by a car.



After finishing school he worked at the Breughel Theatre Company doing Theatre-in-Education programmes. Shaun worked on stage, radio, television and in industrial theatre. He was a member of A Company of Actors. His first professional production was with SWAPAC in Namibia. He also worked for a company called Cape Heart Community and Educational Theatre.

Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

Stage roles in i.a. Paradise is Closing Down, Karnaval, Kinkels innie Kabel, Boesman and Lena (CAPAB, 1996), Poison (1994), Suip! (Baxter, 1999).

TV work includes Backstage and SABC 2 production Fishy Feshuns.

Local and international films include Dollars and White Pipes, Heaven and From Dusk Till Dawn 2, Texas Blood Money.


Suip! programme notes, 1999.

The Star, 12 May 2009.

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