De Toveres Sidonia

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De Toveres Sidonia is a Dutch translation by Martinus Gerardus Engelman of Die Zauberin Sidoniae, a four-act historical German play by Heinrich Zschokke (1771–1848)[1].

See Die Zauberin Sidonia

Die Zauberin Sidonia is a four-act historical German play by Heinrich Zschokke (1771–1848)[2].

The original text

Published in Berlin by Friedrich Maurer, 1798.

Translations and adaptations

Translated into Dutch Martinus Gerardus Engelman and published in Amsteldam by H. van Kesteren, 1799.

Performances in South Africa

1851: Performed in Dutch, in the translation by Engelman, on 23 October 1851 by Tot Oefening en Vermaak in the Garrison Theatre, with as afterpiece De Kalkoen van Breda (Van Ray) , as a charity performance in aid of those who suffered as a resurt of the "Kaffir War" of 1851.

1851: Repeated in Dutch by Tot Oefening en Vermaak on 13 November, again in the Garrison Theatre in Cape Town, this time with De Geveinsde Zotheid door Liefde (Regnard)as afterpiece .


F.C.L. Bosman, 1928. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel I: 1652-1855. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy. [3]: pp. 455.

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