The Boy With A Cart

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The Boy With A Cart (or Cuthman, Saint of Sussex) is a 1938 play by English poet and playwright Christopher Fry (1907-2005) [1].

The original text

As a young writer Christopher Fry was commisioned by the vicar of Steyning, West Sussex, to write a play celebrating the local saint, Cuthman of Steyning [2] and this text became The Boy With A Cart. In 1950 it was performed professionally for the first time, directed by John Gielgud, and it was the first starring role on stage for the young Richard Burton in the role of Cuthman.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1945: Produced in the Little Theatre by Rosalie van der Gucht with the Speech Training Dept, UCT, with Mary Templeton, Elaine English, Clair MacGillivray, Ilse Helsenroth. Sets by Mr Pilcher.

1951: Staged by the University of Stellenbosch Speech Training Department in the Hollandse Saal (old Chemistry building) in Andringa Street, directed by Robert Mohr (assisted by Esther du Toit), with Mohr in the lead role of Cuthman and Laura de Kock (Bess), Anneke Keyter (Mildred),


South African Opinion, 2(8):22, 1945.

Trek, 10(5):23, 1945.

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