Blithe Spirit

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Blithe Spirit by Noël Coward. A a comic play which takes its title from Shelley’s poem To a Skylark. The action of the play centres on socialite Charles Condomine being haunted by the ghost of his first wife Elvira following a séance, and Elvira's continued (and increasingly desperate) efforts to disrupt Charles' current marriage. First produced in the West End in 1941, setting box-office records and becoming a perennial favourite across the world and in South Africa.

Performance history in South Africa

In 1944 produced in Johannesburg by the Gwen ffrangçon-Davies / Marda Vanne Company in collaboration with African Consolidated Theatres Ltd, also starring Margaret Inglis and Siegfried Mynhardt – a production attended by the author.

1944 at the Alhambra Theatre, Cape Town, Rolf Lefebvre, Gwen ffrangçon-Davies as Ruth, Margaret Inglis as Elvira, Marda Vanne as Madame Arcati, Ivy Collins, Jessie Bryant, Siegfried Mynhardt (Doctor Bradman). Setting by Basil South.

In 1964 Taubie Kushlick presented the play at the Intimate Theatre, directed by Peter Shaffer.

Blithe Spirit by Noël Coward. Professor Rosalie van der Gucht directed this play for PACT in 1977.

Presented by CAPAB with Lois Butlin, John Whiteley, Helen Bourne, Paddy Canavan, Colin Duell and Lyn Szymczak in 1977.

Presented by Pieter Toerien, directed by Robert Whitehead in 1989 in the Alhambra Theatre and the Theatre on the Bay, starring Sandra Duncan (Elvira), Vanessa Cooke (Ruth), John Whiteley (Charles), Victoria Bawcombe (Edith), Chris Buchanan (Doctor Bradman, Johannesburg), John Dennison (Doctor Bradman, Cape Town), Charlotte Butler (Mrs Bradman, Johannesburg), Maureen Anstey (Mrs Bradman, Cape Town), Paddy Canavan (Madame Arcati).

Translations and adaptations

Translated into Afrikaans as Die Vryerige Spook (lit. “The Amorous Ghost”) by Danie van den Heever and first produced in 1952 by JAATS, directed by Isobel McLaren, starring Danie van den Heever, Neil de Villiers, Dora Vosloo, Ester van Waart, Marie de Flamingh, Suzanne van den Heever and Zanne Cloete.

PACOFS 1984, directed by Desmond Hughes, with Francesca Bantock, Blaise Koch.

1998: Die Vryerige Spook as translated into Afrikaans by William Harding presented by the University of Stellenbosch Drama Department, directed by Blaise Koch. The cast: Anton Luitingh, Nikki Louw, Nina Swart, Mareli Hattingh, Abduragman Adams, Ilse Oppelt, Lindie Stander. Decor designed by Leopold Senekal, lighting by Tania Williams.


South African Opinion, 1(8):20; Trek 9(7):18, 1944.

Photograph - NELM Manuscripts - [Collection: FLETCHER, Jill]: 2005. 75. 19. 50.

Helikon, 1(6):40.

PACOFS Drama 25 Years, 1963-1988

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