Marie van Heerden

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VAN HEERDEN, MARIE (1924 - 1987). Actress (earlier as Marie Viljoen), highly respected director and founder member of the Libertas Theatre Club in Stellenbosch. Director for the club of plays such as Hugo Claus’s Bruid in die môre (1977); J.P. Sartre’s In Camera (1976) and Hennie Aucamp’s Wolf, Wolf hoe laat is dit? (1974). Both her sons, Johann van Heerden and Marcel van Heerden, also became well-known professional performers and theatre practitioners.

Marie Viljoen started acting in productions of the KAT in Cape Town as an eighteen-year old in 1942, while she was studying elocution under Sister Hyacinth Skene. For the KAT she appeared in Die Hoogste Reg, Die Spaanse Vlieg and many other productions, while also acting in radio-dramas for the SABC. In 1947 she joined the André Rousseau Theatre Company as a professional actress in the touring production of Liefde in Satyn, followed by Eerloos.


Correspondence with Johann van Heerden (2012)

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