Will of a Rebel

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Will of a Rebel is a play by Ari Sitas and Hanchen Koornhof.

Devised by Ari Sitas and Hanchen Koornhof, it is a play about controversial Afrikaans poet, playwright and activist Breyten Breytenbach, dealing with his incarceration in prison.

According to the actor Stephen Sacks (who played the role of "Breyten") the play was first performed at the Nunnery Theatre at Wits and at the Space Theatre in Cape Town on 1977, directed by William Kentridge.

Most other sources suggest that the first performance was by Junction Avenue Theatre Company. in 1979, directed by Kentridge.

According to Malcolm Purkey, the cowriter Hanchen Koornhof was Nationalist Party minister Piet Koornhof's daughter.

1977: Performed at the Nunnery Theatre at the University of the Witwatersrand and at the Space Theatre in Cape Town, directed by William Kentridge, with Stephen Sacks as "Breyten".

1979: Performed by Junction Avenue Theatre Company at the Student Drama Festival of the National Arts Festival, devised by Ari Sitas, based on the life of Breyten Breytenbach, directed by William Kentridge.

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