De Graaf Orzano

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There are two Dutch plays by this name which appeared at the start of the 19th century. Both apparently based on a German novel (De Lazaronen in Dutch) , though they were possibly also influenced by or based on a German "romantic play with music" called Die Lazaroni, which had been performed and published in Leopoldstadt in 1803.

De Graaf Orzano (1808)

The original text

Written by an unknown author, this work was first performed in Amsterdam by a "Toneelminnend Geselschap" ("amateur company") called Uno Animo in 1808, and published in Amsterdam by J.F. Nieman.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

De Graaf Orzano, of De Bedelaar van Napels (1809)

The original text

De Graaf Orzano, of De Bedelaar van Napels ("The Duke of Orzano, or The Beggar of Naples") is a play in five acts by G.J. Vorking ()[]. In his Preface the author is at pains to show that he had not simply copied the earlier play, and had written his own original work based on De Lazaronen. Written specifically for performance by Amsterdam based "Toneelminnend Geselschap" ("amateur company") called Nut en Vermaak in 1809, the text was published in Amsterdam by H. Moolenijzer, 1809

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1866: Performed as Lucretia Borgia by the Le Roy-Duret Company in the Harrington Street Theatre, Cape Town, on


Vaderlandsche letteroefeningen, Part 1, Ellerman, 1809: p. 260, Google E-book[]

Facsimile version of the 1809 Dutch edition, Google E-book[1]

F.C.L. Bosman. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel II, 1856-1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik: pp.444-452

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