Clare Mortimer

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Clare Mortimer (19**-). Actress and director based in Durban.

Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

She is a multi-award-winning Durban actor, herself a writer of note and an experienced English teacher, collaborates (as director and co-producer) in the independent theatre company Think Theatre Productions.

She is a regular performer for KickstArt Theatre Company.

Acted in Boston Marriage (2005), A Voice I Cannot Silence in 2015.

In 2008 she directed Stone Angel, in 2009 a Think Theatre Productions production of Othello and in 2017 their production of Hamlet.

Directed Race, (NAF 2012).

Awards, etc.

Durban Theatre Award, award year 2004: best supporting actress from June 2002 to May 2003.


Citizen, 2 June 2009.

Beeld, 1 October 2015.

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