De Liefhebbery Comedie in de War

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De Liefhebbery Comedie in de War ("amateur theatre in confusion") is a one act comedy by A. van der Stempel Jr

The original text

The reference in F.C.L. Bosman (1980, p.464) appears to be the only source citing a play by this name, and by them prolific author, translator and publisher Van der Stempel.

The only play title found containing the above title is the well-known 3 act play De Belagchelycke Tooneelzucht Of De Liefhebbery Comedie, In De War (approx. "the silly theatrical sigh, or amateur theatre in confusion"), a Dutch version of the French comedy Le Tripot Comique, ou La Comédie Bourgeoise ("The comic strip, or the bourgeois comedy") by Marie Alexandre Detheis (Cailleau, 1774). The Dutch version was translated by Ward Bingley (1757- 1818) and published in Amsterdam by Pieter Johannes Uylenbroek in 1794.

It may thus be possible that this was an abbreviated version of or a parody on the Dutch play created for the Rederijkers by Van der Stempel.


Facsimile version of the Dutch translation, 1794: Google E-book[1]

Facsimile version of the French original, 1794: Google E-book[2]