Tsjaka is an Afrikaans stage play in verse by Pieter Fourie (1940-).
The original text
A play in the style of a Greek tragedy about the life of the Zulu king and military leader Shaka kaSenzangakhona (c. 1787 –1828)[1], better known outside Zulu culture as "Shaka Zulu" or "Shaka". Also found as Chaka and "Tsjaka" (in Afrikaans). Written while Fourie was a third year student at Stellenbosch University. Completed in 1963, it was published as in both English (by Longman, Cape Town) and Afrikaans (by Perskor, Johannesburg), in 1976.
Translations and adaptations
Performance history in South Africa
The play has not, as far as can be ascertained, been performed in South Africa.
Nico Luwes 2012. Pieter Fourie (1940-) se bydrae as Afrikaanse dramaturg en kunsbestuurder: 1965-2010. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State, pp. [2]
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